5 Benefits of Using Custom Enterprise App for Your Business


Everyone knows how time taking it is to log in into multiple places and maintain drives to update your work and timesheet, on some days, filling and maintaining reports can take up to 3, sometimes 4 hours of ours. To solve the purpose, companies started using enterprise apps a few years back, with all of them having similar features and interface to make it easy for the employees to bring their work on the fingertips.

While enterprise apps are a great enabler for many, the problem comes when the app has features that will never be used or when they lack tools to support the tracking requirements of a particular industry. This is where custom enterprise apps come into the picture.

Custom enterprise apps are personalized to meet the needs of a particular industry, they are altered for a fixed set of users instead of a large group of audience with varying needs. Personalization is the one factor that has been increasing the demand for custom enterprise app among the users.

Here are some other benefits that you can derive from getting a custom app made from your mobile app development company. –

1. High Scalability
The enterprise apps are generally designed to meet a certain number of processes, however, customized apps allow you to have processes designed as per your company growth and workflow.

2. Greater Security
There is always a chance of your data getting corrupted when you use apps available in the market, while the chances of it happening get reduced, massively, when the control is in your hands and you have the server in your company.

3. Merge with your current software
Custom enterprise apps are designed according to the software you have in your company, thus reducing the chance of error or segregation. Using a custom app saves your time in changing the software of your company to match with an app that may streamline your resources.

4. Supports retrieving of client data
Apart from the employees, custom apps allow you to retrieve and collect client data as well, without the fear of losing it on the web. It’s not only the data, with the help of personalized enterprise app, you can easily share documents and reports with your clients in real time too.

5. Free from external changes
The life of your custom app is in your hands, you don’t have to worry about the external app company to shut down its operations. The whole control of the app and what happens there is in your hands.

Now that you know the benefits that custom apps offer, the question arises how to make it. If you are not relying on some reliable mobile app development company, and making it yourself, you need to know about the tools that will come in handy. Here they are –

• Microsoft Silverlight
• GenyMotion
• PhoneGap
• Javascript
• HTML 5
• Ubertesters
• Sencha
• Objective – C

These technologies will help you build an effective custom enterprise app, but it is not enough. You also need to consider a few points before developing the app to use in your company like, use a platform that will make your app reach the employees in the lowest time, a stronger focus on the security of data, and an interconnected communication line to help the conversation flow between clients and employees seamlessly. Another thing that you should pay attention to is the battery and memory space your app is utilizing the device.

While these are the main things to consider, it will be an added benefit if you can get the app on both web and the phone to help your employees and clients access it from anywhere.

Although there are many challenges that surface the custom enterprise apps but the trend of Build Your Own App is taking it forward and making it popular, every passing day. So if you still haven’t thought about making your custom app, maybe it’s time you do.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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