WhatsApp Forward Messages Limit to Five Chats in India Now Imposed Globally


The popular messaging service WhatsApp seems to be taking some serious action to fight against fake news in Inda as well as globally. If you remember, WhatsApp removed its quick forward button last year in a move to curb spread the fake news in India. It also imposed a limit to its forward feature to just five chats at once. According to the Gadget360 report, the limit forward messages to five chats have been taken globally after evaluating user feedback. Now users with the latest 2.19.16 version globally will only be able to forward messages to a maximum of five people at once.

“WhatsApp carefully evaluated this test and listened to user feedback over a six-month period. The forward limit significantly reduced forwarded messages around the world. Starting today, all users on the latest versions of WhatsApp can now forward to only five chats at once, which will help keep WhatsApp focused on private messaging with close contacts. We’ll continue to listen to user feedback about their experience, and over time, look for new ways of addressing viral content,” the company notes.

A couple of days ago we reported that WhatsApp finally added its quick forward button back next to the media file or attachments received in a WhatsApp message with its 2.19.12 Update. WhatsApp started testing various methods to combat fake news especially India back in July last year, after several fake news started circulating and causing communal tension in the country.

Moreover, WhatsApp not only implemented various methods to combat fake news on its platform but have also added some new features to its messaging app. With its recent 2.19.12 Update, WhatsApp not only added the quick forward button but also added the new Picture-in-Picture Mode and ‘Reply Privately’ in group features to improve the users experience on its app.

Shibli Hashmi
Shibli Hashmi

Shibli Hashmi is the Staff Writer of cyberockk, He loves to keep a tab on the latest Technology News and Reviews of mobiles and gadgets.


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