Ubisoft has released a new update for Far Cry New Dawn. According to the patch notes, the Far Cry New Dawn update v1.0.4 adds numerous mission fixes and tweaks add a tip to guide players towards the Homebase’s helipad. The update also brings various weapons balance tweaks and UI fixes. Among others, the latest Far Cry New Dawn patch v1.0.4 update also brings various other fixes to CO-OP, Trophies, Localization, Photo Mode, Audio fixes and more.
Below, you can find some of the fixes and tweaks included in the Far Cry New Dawn v1.0.4 Patch Notes.
1. Missions
- Fixed an issue where an entity would fail to spawn in an expedition.
- Fixed an issue where the player can be stuck on a roof when parachuting during an expedition.
- Fixed an issue where a note could disappear when playing in CO-OP.
- Fixed an issue where a mission objective would not update under some conditions in a specific mission.
- Fixed an issue where the player could push an NPC just before a cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where the client’s camera could be stuck during cinematics.
3. World
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to pick up a Baseball Bat at one location.
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to pick up a Medkit at specific locations.
- Fixed an issue where unresponsive enemies could be found at a specific location.
- Fixed an issue where some enemies could spawn inside a rock at a specific location.
- Fixed an issue where some enemies could spawn under the ground during an Outpost reinforcement.
4. UI
- Fixed an issue where driving control tips would not be displayed if the player spawned inside a vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the button prompt to track some animal pelts was missing.
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to equip upper and lower body items under certain conditions.
5. Audio
- Fixed an issue where some door sound effects would be looping under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where helicopter sounds would keep playing in some cinematics if the player was piloting that vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where some music could keep on playing if the player disconnected his controller during certain cinematics.
- Fixed an issue where sound effects could be muffled after respawning during a specific mission.
6. Gameplay
- Fixed an issue where a button would trigger multiple actions when driving with the “Shooter” control configuration.
- Fixed an issue where a bag would not grant the loot inside of it.
- Fixed an issue where the Guns For Hire’s command icon would still be displayed on Elite enemies even when they are not visible.
- Fixed an issue where throwables were misplaced in the player’s hand while driving a specific vehicle.
7. Weapons
- Adjusted melee damage of some of the shovels.
- Fixed an issue where some ammo would be missing upon reloading.
- Fixed an issue where a visual effect could be stuck on some sniper rifles when picked up by the player.
- Fixed an issue where the AJM9 – Blood Dragon highlight was being seen through the host body.
8. Photo Mode
- Improve the visual of the Recurved Bow – Blood Dragon in Photo mode.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs was getting hurt by the flame from the flamethrower while in Photo mode.
- Fixed an issue where some glow effects were very bright in expeditions when changing the time of the day.
9. NPC
- Fixed an issue where Guns For Hire would stop being highlighted if the player revived them in water.
- Fixed an issue where the player could still find old animal models in the wild.
- Fixed an issue where Carmina could drop her weapon when she died.
- Fixed an issue where the Highwaymen & Survivor NPCs had a sniper weapon attached during binocular animation.
10. Localization
- Fixed an issue where the Spanish subtitles would not match the dialog in a specific scene.
- Fixed an issue where the voice-over button would be displayed on the difficulty selection screen when playing in languages other than English.
11. Trophies
- Fixed an issue where a trophy would not trigger for the client after completing the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where a trophy was triggered too early.
12. CO-OP
- Fixed an issue where the player could encounter an infinite black screen while playing in CO-OP during some specific missions.
- Fixed an issue where the client would spawn in a bad sector when joining the host under some specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the client could trigger a vehicle booby trap when spawning in a helicopter.
13. Crash and Stability
- Fixed some stability issues caused by general gameplay.
- Fixed some stability issues caused when the client connects to the host to play in CO-OP.
- Fixed a stability issue caused by approaching certain locations while the CO-OP partner is in spectator mode.
For full patch notes, you can head to the update page here.