Anthem 1.1.0 Update Full Patch Notes Out Now With The Sunken Cell Stronghold and Various Fixes

Anthem 1.1.0

We have been waiting for the full patch notes for the Anthem latest 1.1.0 update that was scheduled to be available later today. Now, EA has finally released the full patch notes for the Anthem 1.1.0 update, that brings The Sunken Cell Stronghold to all players who have completed the main story (critical path) and a host of bug fixes to various games elements. The latest 1.1.0 update patch notes also add a new ability to select contracts from the start of expedition screen rather than going to the individual contract boards in Fort Tarsis or in the Launch Bay.

The update includes bug fixes to Creatures, Javelins, Gear, Components and more. The Anthem 1.1.0 patch also adds various gameplay balance adjustments to Masterwork Weapons and Masterwork Gear. Below you can find the summarised version of the full patch notes of Anthem 1.1.0 update.

Anthem 1.1.0 Update Full Patch Notes

New Features

  • The Sunken Cell stronghold is now available to all players who have completed the main story (critical path).
  • Added the ability to select contracts from the start of expedition screen rather than going to the individual contract boards in Fort Tarsis or in the Launch Bay.
  • Added the ability to launch a new mission from the end of expedition screen without having to return to Fort Tarsis or the Launch Bay.
  • Added the ability to access the Forge during Missions, Strongholds and Freeplay. You can now change your gear without having to return to Fort Tarsis or the Launch Bay!

General Notes

  • Added additional cortex entries to explain combo, detonator, and primer abilities.
  • Added new Universal Masterwork Components
    • Extended Sniper Magazine: Adds specialized storage for enhanced sniper rifle ammunition. Increases damage by 30% of base damage. Increases maximum magazine size of sniper rifles by a large amount.
    • Rapid Hollow Points: Adds specialized ammo storage for machine pistols and autocannons. Increases damage by 30%. Increases weak point damage of machine pistols and autocannons.
    • Extended Special Arms Magazine: Adds specialized ammo storage for heavy pistols and grenade launchers. Increases damage by 30%. Increases maximum magazine size of heavy pistols and grenade launchers by a large amount.


Masterwork Weapons

  • Retaliation of Garretus – Trajector Machine Pistol
    • Increased bonus from 200% to 400%
  • Rolling Carnage – Vengeance Shotgun
    • Increased bonus from 50% stacking 3 times, to 83.33% stacking 3 times.
  • The Last Stand – Mauler Autocannon
    • Increased bonus from 200% to 225%
  • Fist of Stral – Cloudburst Autocannon
    • Increased bonus from 10% stacking 10 times, to 16% stacking 10 times.
  • Unending Battle – Fulcrum Machine Pistol
    • Increased bonus from 110% to 135%
  • Death From Above – Guardian Marksman Rifle
    • Increased bonus from 65% to 235%
  • Wyvern Blitz – Deadeye Sniper Rifle
    • Increased bonus from 40% to 185%

Masterwork Gear

  • Colossus:
    • Final Judgment – HE Mortar
      • Increased bonus from 35% to 55%
    • Fist of the Crucible – Flamethrower
      • Increased bonus from 12% *10 to 24% *10
  • Interceptor
    • Serpent’s Veil – Venom Bomb
      • Increased bonus from 100% to 202.5%
    • Ruthless Stalker – Searching Glaive
      • Increased bonus from 60% to 110%
    • Bitter Harvest – Cluster Mine
      • Increased bonus from 60% to 110%
  • Ranger
    • Cold Blooded – Frost Grenade
      • Increased bonus from 235% to 270%
    • Avenger’s Boon – Pulse Blast
      • Increased bonus from 210 % to 220%
  • Storm
    • Ponder Infinity – Lightning Strike
      • Increased bonus from 60% to 165%
    • Chaotic Rime – Frost Shards
      • Increased bonus from 125% to 250%


  • Friendly player projectiles should now be able to pass through Javelins in your squad.
  • Colossus’ Firewall Mortar should now more reliably spawn the Firewall effect when directly hitting enemies, sloped surfaces, or next to walls.

Status Effects / Combos

  • Delay between when players and creatures are frozen and when the visual effect is applied has been reduced to improve readability of the status effect.
  • If a player applies a status effect that already exists on a target, but the new status effect has a higher damage than the existing one, the damage will now scale to that higher value.
  • Players who prime targets for combos will now also see the “Combo” text when detonated by another player.
  • Increased the damage of the Electric status effect when applied to creatures.



  • Fixed additional issues where the Titan fireball projectile attack was hitting players when they successfully dodged/evaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the Titan would not always use all of its available attacks.


  • Adjusted environmental lightning strikes to not target javelins directly as frequently.
  • Fixed an issue where the predicted gear score was inaccurate if you were selecting to equip a higher tier component than was currently equipped.
  • Fixed a bug where the Colossus shield wouldn’t appear when deployed to other players in the squad.
  • Resolved several issues where status effects remained on the player far longer than the actual effect (e.g. the Frozen status effect appearing on the javelin after the effect has ended).
  • Fixed a bug where the Storm’s shield did not get the intended 20% damage resistance increase while hovering.
  • Fixed a bug where the Interceptor Ultimate attack would not chain when holding the fire button instead of holding the melee button.


  • Bulwark Point now properly gets duration increases from utility duration bonus inscriptions.
  • Fixed a bug where Interceptor melee gear was not going on cooldown when used in air.
  • Fixed an issue where explosive projectiles were not affecting destructible combat objects (e.g. scar bunkers).
  • Fixed a problem where the Storm’s Seal of the Open Mind Masterwork would incorrectly allow a player to fire 3 charges when the UI only showed 2 available.
  • Fixed a bug where gear recharge progress could be lost if you used a charge while additional charges were being restored.


  • Fixed an error where the Masterwork Colossus Stock Augment had a lower base % increase than its non-Masterwork counterparts. (Increased from 5% to 35%).
  • Fixed the Ranger Grenadier Component text to properly display the stat value %.
  • Fixed a problem with the Special Arms Ammo component not properly increasing grenade launcher damage.

Status Effects / Combos

  • Fixed some instances where multiple players contributing to a single status effect would see incorrect floating values
  • Fixed an issue where you could receive a status effect from a creature attack while invulnerable.


  • Fixed a problem where the Legion of Dawn rifle disappears from the forge while in the Launch Bay
  • Fixed a bug where ammo pick-ups weren’t restoring any ammo in the current magazine for the Devastator Sniper Rifle.
  • Fixed the Striker’s Balance weapon so that the weapon accuracy and projectile trajectory should be corrected when the bonus is applied.
  • Corrected Torrent Autocannon description text to match current functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where Avenging Herald was incorrectly applying its bonus damage to secondary weapons while holstered. This bonus is now only active when Avenging Herald is the active weapon.
  • All Devastator Sniper Rifle weakpoint hit multipliers have been corrected to a 1.75 multiplier.

You can also find the full patch notes on the official release page here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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