How to Fix World War Z PC Launch and Crash Issue Using AMD Cleanup Utility

Fix World War Z PC Launch

Saber Interactive recently released Patch Update 1.02 for World War Z on PS4 that brought fixes to the various issue including Lobo Bundle DLC, Connectivity and more issues. A day after, the dev also released Hotfix Patch Notes Update for PC players who have reported the same issues on the social network and in the game forum since its launch earlier this week. Looks like several PC players using AMP graphics card are still having the launch and crash issues on their PC. We have been following World War Z official Twitter account for a couple of days now.

The latest update from games official Twitter account has now shared more details for PC players, which suggest that several PC players using AMD graphics card have found success in fixing the crash and launching the game issues by using the AMD Cleanup Utility.

How to Fix World War Z PC Launch and Crash Issue Using AMD Cleanup Utility

If you aren’t sure about the AMD Cleanup Utility, it’s a Utility software that can be used to remove any previously installed AMD driver files, registries, and driver store from systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and later.

The cleaning process includes removing AMD display and audio drivers as well as AMD software components but does not remove AMD chipset driver components such as GPIO, SATA, USB, etc, the official page notes.

To go through the cleaning process step by step you can follow the official AMD Cleanup Utility process here. The full list of the known issue which players are reporting playing World War Z can be found here. The list includes known issues related to PC, PS4, Xbox One, and General issues.

Saber Interactive has promised more fixes to be coming soon on all platforms that should fix all the known issues players have reported.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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