Ghost Recon Wildlands Operation Oracle Update 1.28 Patch Notes Out Now

Operation Oracle

Ubisoft has released a new patch update for its tactical shooter video game Ghost Recon Wildlands. The latest Ghost Recon Wildlands Update 1.28 Patch Notes brings two brand new missions to the game including Operation Oracle. The update also brings the free weekend where players will be able to play Ghost Recon Wildlands for free starting from May 2 to May 5 on all platforms, including PS4, PC and Xbox One.

Players finishing the Operation Oracle will also get two unique rewards including a brutal new CQC finisher, and Walker’s Ghost tattoo. In addition, the latest Ghost Recon Wildlands Update 1.28 Patch Notes also brings a host of bug fixes and improvements to the game.

You can check out the full Ghost Recon Wildlands Update 1.28 Patch Notes below.


    PvE/General Fixes

    Guerrilla Mode

    We’ve been following the feedback from our community regarding Guerrilla mode at the launch of Special Operation 4. We believe several issues were contributing to the difficulty, including errors with matchmaking and launching sessions without full squads.

    Our team has taken care to address those issues, which we hope will help create a more balanced experience in Guerrilla mode.

    • Improved Guerrilla mode’s matchmaking process, which launched sessions after a friend joined a player in Matchmaking search before four players were present.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the game would start without forming a full squad in public matchmaking.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the player would not be moved to the lobby after accepting an invitation.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the player would not win the Cosmetic Rewards if they left before the Victory Score screen.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where AI teammate’s customization would reset after entering a new session.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where you could unequip the mission.
    • Fixed an audio issue in Guerrilla mode when the Game Lost Score screen is shown.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where vehicles with dead NPCs in them would not despawn at the end of a wave.
    • Fixed an issue where the last NPC enemy of Guerrilla mode would despawn immediately after killing him.
    • Improved replication issues present in Guerrilla mode during co-op sessions.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where a Game Over can be triggered without the timer being displayed.
    • Fixed an issue where some skills bonuses could be canceled by changing the difficulty during a Guerrilla mode session.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where the shopkeeper’s subtitles and voice over would be cut off due to the ending screen.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where enemy alert levels would downgrade to Undetected / Suspicious under certain circumstances.
    • Fixed an issue where all weapons and attachments bought in Guerrilla mode appeared as “New” in the main game afterward.
    • Fixed an issue preventing to unlock Survivor pants and Survivor shirt cosmetic items in Ghost Mode after winning Guerrilla mode.

    All Platforms

    • Fixed an issue with the M110 Bullet Drop being too strong.
    • Removed the requirement to complete Silent Spade and Snafu missions to unlock the Mission Master trophy.
    • Fixed a localization issue where there was no spacing between Continue Campaign text for Asian localizations.
    • [SILENT SPADE] Fixed an issue with Kozak where he would slide away when a user shoots him while he is giving his briefing.
    • Fixed an issue with the Buchon Marcus Jensen causing him to have the wrong animation in certain cases.
    • Fixed an issue where completing all Main Game missions showed only 98% completion.


    • Improved performance when using Nvidia Ansel with Nvidia driver 418.91.
    • Fixed an issue in Ghost mode where weapons switch back to default between play sessions.
    • Fixed an issue in Guerrilla mode where subtitles would only show for the host of a party in a co-op session.

    -Store + Items

    • Fixed a visual issue with the ACU shirt clipping with female character costume parts.
    • Fixed an issue where players would not receive their bonus XP from XP boosters.
    • The Night Vision effect from Fast Panoramic NVGs, Fast Special NVGs, and High Cut Spec. NVGs no longer use the old Night Vision (Green) filter, instead of using the newer (yellow) filter.
    • The AOR1 camo now uses more authentic colors/patterns.
    • Fixed an issue where the Hiking backpack would clip with the Molle vest and Crossdraw vests.
    • Fixed several issues present with the Gorka outfit.
    • Fixed a customization issue with the Crossdraw vest clipping with female characters.
    • Fixed a clipping issue with the Gunfighter Jacket and ACU shirt clipping with pants.
    • Fixed an issue with the Mic Drop emote where the syringe was stuck in the character’s wrist.
    • Fixed an issue with the Heavy Riot Control vest not showing the patches on its shoulder pads.
    • Fixed an issue on some vests where the ammunition was following the player’s movements rather than the vest itself.
    • Fixed an issue forbidding the player from buying Crates & Boosters in DLCs.


    All Platforms

    Limited the number of simultaneous mines deployable by the Sapper’s drone to 3.
    Reduced the health of Sapper’s drones to bring it more in line with the drones used by Medic and Guerrilla classes.
    Fixed an issue in Ghost War allowing an exploit (known as Crouch-run) by using emotes and Pistol-specific abilities.
    Fixed several collision issues on several PvP maps.


    • Improved the ping function in Ghost War where spamming the Ping input caused high ping conditions.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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