Latest Rage 2 PC Hotfix Patch Removes Denuvo DRM and Fixes Crash on Startup and Scaleform

Rage 2 Denuvo DRM Removed

Bethesda has finally removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech on the Steam version of the game with the latest Rage 2 PC hotfix patch update. Bethesda took the decision after several players made the request of removing Denuvo DRM on Steam that has caused several Rage 2 players falling with the occasional crash related to Scaleform and on game startup.

Latest Rage 2 PC Hotfix Patch Removes Denuvo DRM and Fixes Crash on Startup and Scaleform

A user on Reddit shared the screenshot saying that the RAGE 2’s Bethesda version uses no Denuvo. Bethesda actually releases two versions of the Rage 2 one that is the Bethesda version available on the Bethesda store and the second that went on sale on Steam for players. Soon after its official launch and going live on the Steam, several users found that the game’s Steam version actually has Denuvo anti-tamper protection, but the Bethesda launcher version of the Rage 2 doesn’t feature the DRM.

Also, the Rage 2 got cracked and pirated within the first day of its launch so there was no mean of having the Denuvo installed on the game.

Now the question is, why even Bethesda included it at all if it gets removed so soon after launch? Well, some say, that Bethesda did this to protect the gam’s early sales. But since the game was already cracked on the first day, keeping the Denuvo installed was totally pointless.

Now finally, Bethesda has removed the Denuvo copy protection from the Steam version of the Rage 2. Now, Removing the Denuvo DRM from the game was in the first place, the small patch update for the Rage 2 also brings some other changes to the game including a crash reporter, fixes for occasional Scaleform-related crashes, a fix for the occasional crash on startup, etc. You can have look on the latest Rage 2 patch notes below.

Today, we will be deploying a minor PC hotfix very shortly that will address the following issues:

  • Removes Denuvo DRM (We saw a few requests.)
  • Enables Crash Reporter for error reporting
  • Fixed occasional crash related to Scaleform
  • Fixed occasional crash on startup
  • Fixes issue where users would always default to English
  • Razer Chroma effects enabled by default

Rage 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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