Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update 1.33 Patch Notes Brings Balancing Tweaks for Anakin Skywalker and More

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update

EA has now released a new Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update 1.33 Patch Notes. According to the release note, the latest Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update 1.33 brings some balancing tweaks for Anakin Skywalker by reducing Anakin’s effectiveness in modes like Capital Supremacy and Galactic Assault, where he can cut through troopers too easily while retaining his capabilities when facing off against a villain. The latest update also increases the base damage of Heroic Might from 70 to 90 against heroes as well as reduces the base damage of Heroic Might from 130 to 120 against troopers.

In addition, the latest Battlefront update 1.33 also brings changes to Darth Maul’s Furious Throw to a horizontal throw and reducing the number of players required to begin some modes.

The latest update patch notes for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 seems pretty small as EA has planned a bigger for the game that will be available on June 26 later this month. Meanwhile, you can check out the full patch notes of the latest Star Wars Battlefront 2 update 1.33 below.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update 1.33 Release Notes

Balancing tweaks for Anakin Skywalker:

  • Reduced the duration of the choking during Anakin’s Retribution ability from 4 to 2 seconds.
  • Anakin’s Retribution does not charge up based on damage received during Heroic Might.
  • Heroic Might no longer deals increased damage as Anakin takes damage. The ability’s radius still increases as Anakin takes damage.
  • Increased base damage of Heroic Might from 70 to 90 against heroes.
  • Reduced base damage of Heroic Might from 130 to 120 against troopers.

Darth Maul:

  • Darth Maul now throws his lightsaber horizontally instead of vertically, creating a much wider hit-box for his attack. The Furious Throw ability base damage is now reduced from 150 to 75 to balance the ability’s improved accuracy. Improved VFX and Animation related to the ability.

Game Modes
Reduced the minimum number of players required to start the following game modes

  • Blast from 8 to 4
  • Strike from 8 to 4
  • Heroes Vs. Villains from 8 to 6

All Other Improvements

  • The mini-map in Heroes vs Villains will now work similarly to Hero Showdown and will not constantly show all players on screen.
  • Heroes will now cost the same amount of Battle Points across all maps.
  • Fixed an issue where Iden’s Droid Batteries Star Card was granting incorrect recharge time values for the Stun Droid ability.
  • Fixed an issue where Han Solo would be unable to jump if the Sharpshooter ability got cancelled or interrupted.
  • Fixed an issue where the DC-15LE weapon would have no crosshair when close aiming, if the Improved Zoom attachment was equipped.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the animation of the back gear of the 91st Recon Corps.
  • Fixed an issue where one of the roofs on Kamino allowed players to jump out of map geometry.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the brightness of the Command Post projections on Geonosis and Kashyyyk.
  • Fixed an issue where LAAT pilots would be seen floating in air when boarding the Dreadnought on Geonosis – Capital Supremacy.

Deployment Info

  • 08:00 UTC PC
  • 09:00 UTC PS4
  • 10:00 UTC Xbox One

Last month EA released Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update 1.32 Patch Notes removing Targeting Systems from the game, raises the level cap to 1000 and More.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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