Battlefield 5 Hotfix Update Brings Fixes to Hit Registration, Face Paints and Stability Improvements

Battlefield 5

EA has released a small hotfix update for the Battlefield 5 which according to the patch notes fixes several critical issues users have reported since game’s last week update. The latest Battlefield 5 Hotfix Update 1.20 brings fixes to Hit Registration issue that users have experienced on all platforms. The patch note says that players should now see the improvements across the entire game after updating to the latest patch update.

Notably, the hit registration issue was most noticeable when using airplanes as well as with all Vehicles and Infantry under certain circumstances. The hotfix update also makes Face Paints functional again for the Axis male soldiers and brings stability improvements to the game. Check out the latest Battlefield 5 hotfix update patch notes below.

Battlefield 5 Hotfix Update Patch Notes

Hello Battlefield V players!
This update is a smaller Hotfix which addresses a few critical issues that were introduced with the previous update.
Change list:
  • Fix for hit registration which was the most noticeable when using airplanes. Players should see improvements across the entire game, as we have learned that this was affecting all Vehicles and Infantry under certain circumstances.
  • Face paints for the Axis male soldiers are once again functional
  • Stability improvements to the game client
Additionally, the patch notes also state that the team is still investigating a potential fix for the ‘Invisible Soldier’ issue that appeared with the recent updates.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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