Battlefield 5 Patch 4.2.2 Update Fixes Most Common Crashing Issues on All Platforms

Battlefield 5

EA has released a small Battlefield 5 patch 4.2.2 update that according to the patch notes bring fixes to various most common crashing issues on all platforms. The latest Battlefield 5 Patch 4.2.2 Update also addresses and fixes a hard crash in Practice Range when interacting with Planes.

The latest Battlefield 5 patch 4.2.2 update size is said to click at around 800MB on PC, 500MB on Xbox One and 450MB on PS4. However, you may see a huge drop in the download speed after the update hit 95%.

Which according to the EA community manager Part Welsh, will only affect the last 40MB of the total download size when downloading the 800MB update on PC, which is likely to download at around 100kb/s irrespective of your internet speed.

However, the team is actively investigating this issue. You can check out the Battlefield 5 4.2.2 update patch notes below.

What’s Changed?

  • Eliminated the most common cause of crashing on all Platforms, across all game modes
  • Separately fixed a different issue, addressing a hard crash in Practice Range when interacting with Planes

Battlefield 5 is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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