Fallout 76 Latest Update 14 Patch Notes Brings New Fallout 1st Membership Service, Event, Bug Fixes, and More

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 has received a new update 14 patch on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The latest Fallout 76 update 14 patch notes this time brings the new Fallout 1st, a premium membership service to the Fallout 76. The sevrvice aimed at bringing new Fallout 76 experience by allowing its members access to Private Worlds, unlimited crafting component storage with the Scrapbox.

It will also brings them second Fast Travel point with the Survival Tent, exclusive cosmetic items, and best value 1,650 Atoms each month.

Notably, Fallout 1st brings the most requested Private Worlds that will bring its members to an exclusive Private World where they will be abale to play alone or invite up to 7 of their friends to join at any given time.

The latest Fallout 76 update 14 patch notes further adds Mischief Night Seasonal event, color-coded item rarities and limited-time Halloween-themed rewards in Nuclear Winter.

With the new limited-time Halloween-themed rewards playesr will be abale to earn six limited-time Halloween themed cosmetic rewards by completing Nuclear Winter Challenges from October 29 to November 12.

The Fallout 76 update 14 also brings a number of balance and design changes, various bugs fixes and performance and Stability improvements to the game.

Notably, you can expect the size of this update less than 8 GB for consoles and under 3.5 GB for PC. The full details on the latest Fallout 76 update 14 patch notes can be found here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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