PS4 System Software Update 7.00 Adds Party, Remote Play and Chat Transcription Features


PS4 (PlayStation 4) is receiving a new system software update 7.00 this week and it brings new enhancement and functionality to the PS4 by adding the new Party and Remote Play features. The latest PlayStation 4 7.00 system software update will be available for all PS4 players worldwide. Notably, Sony, introduced the new party feature for players as a beta preview earlier this year in June bringing new features for players. The preview included maximum party participants from 8 to 16, improved audio quality for voice chat and network connectivity.

PS4 Party Feature Update

Now, with the latest PS4 7.00 software update players will finally be able to experience the new enhanced Party and Remote Play feature. Now the new party features increase the maximum number of players from 8 to 16. Players will also experience better network connectivity and audio quality.

With the latest PS4 7.00 update, US players will also be able to use a new Chat Transcription feature within the Party App via the PS4 Second Screen App on their smartphone or other mobile devices. Notably, the PS4 Party features let players play games with their friends and community members.

PS4 Remote Play Feature

The PS4 7.00 system software update also brings Remote Play feature to Android devices running Android 5.0 or higher. Players will need to download the PS4 Remote Play App from the Google Play store in order to use the feature.

In addition to this, players will be able to use their DualShock 4 wireless controllers via Bluetooth for Remote Play on an Android, iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices. In order to use this, players will need to update to Android 10, iOS 13, iPad OS 13, or macOS Catalina (releasing in October) to use this feature.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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