Dreams Early Access Starts for Players on February 11 with Full Game Access


Sony has announced that Dreams early access will be available for players three days earlier to the official launch of the game. The Dreams early access will kick off on February 11 and it will bring full access to the game for the early access players. Sony has announced that there will be a Creator Patch update on February 11 that will bring players access to all the new content in Dreams from 12pm GMT (4am Pacific time).

The update will let players try all the new features and contents coming to the Dreams three days prior to its official launch on February 14. The upcoming Creator Patch update will bring new contents including Art’s Dream. This includes jazz musician Art, where he dreams about his life, past and present, and realizes he needs to make amends with his fellow bandmates.

jazz musician Art

With the Dreams early access creator update on February 11, players will also get access to Art’s Dream creation kits. The kits will allow players to make their own dreams with our noir, sci-fi, and fantasy creations. The Art’s Dream creation kits include the following two types of kits.

  • Welcome Home
  • Ancient Temple

Players will also find a new intro to the homespace area, new tutorials and how-to videos. There will also be a new UI update coming to DreamShaping which will make it easier to find content and collections to create with.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

SOURCEPlaystation Blog
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