Gears 5 Operation 1 Bundle Pack is Now Available for $19.99 USD

Gears 5 Operation 1

Gears 5 new Operation 1 bundle pack is now available to purchase for $19.99 USD. The new Operation 1 pack packs new characters which include two new Heros and two Villans. The two new Heros in the Gears 5 Operation 1 bundle packs are Cog Gears and Deebee. The bundle also includes two new Villans including Warden and General Raam.

The new Gears 5 Operation 1 bundle pack also includes new 18 Museum Weapon Skins, 1000 Iron and 30 Days of Boost. The new characters come with their own set of abilities and load-outs in Arcade Versus mode, Horde, and Escape.

Gears 5 new Operation 1 also includes weekly events, as well as more than 200 cosmetic items, including weapon and character skins. You can watch out the official video below to know more about Gears 5 Operations.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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