FIFA 20 Update Title Update 14, Patch 1.18 Notes Released for PC

fifa 20

Did you download the latest FIFA 20 title update 14 patch version 1.18 on your PC? If not then you should update your game with the latest patch 1.18 update. The latest FIFA 20 update 1.18 patch is now available for PC players and it brings a host of new gameplay changes as well as changes to game Visual and CONMEBOL Competitions.

The patch 1.18 update for the FIFA 20 increases the impact of the Overload Ball Side D-Pad Tactic on in-game Stamina. While it decreases the impact of the Team Press D-Pad Tactic on in-game Stamina.

The update also adds two new CONMEBOL competitions, including Guarani and Barcelona SC.

Below you can find the complete patch notes for the latest FIFA 20 title update 14.


Made the following changes:

  • Further increased the impact of the Overload Ball Side D-Pad Tactic on in-game Stamina.
  • Decreased the impact of the Team Press D-Pad Tactic on in-game Stamina.
    • This has been decreased to have the same impact that was experienced prior to Title Update 12.

CONMEBOL Competitions

Made the following changes:

  • Added Guarani and Barcelona SC to CONMEBOL competitions.
  • Updates to multiple stadia, teams, kits, and presentation packages.


Made the following changes:

  • Updates to multiple kits, stadia, and ad boards.

FIFA 20 is available now for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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