The Division 2 Title Update 9 Patch Notes Released with Tons of Bug Fixes and More

The Division 2

The latest Division 2 Title update 9 patch notes has been relaesed and its a massive update that weighs at approximately 10 GB in size. However, if you are installing a fresh game then the file size would weigh at around 70-80 GB (depending on the platform). The latest Division 2 Title update 9 is not only massive in size but also brings tons of new bug fixes to gear and skills, new features, balance tweaks to Exotics, Talent, Named items and more.

The Division 2 Title update 9 patch notes also includes several fixes to gameplay, UI, Localization, Audio, Missions and a number of performance fixes.

Notably, the tweaks to Exotics items will now make you able to upgrade Exotic items to level 40, as well as re-roll their attributes with the new Reconfiguration system available in the Crafting bench.

Exotic Reconfiguration
Upgrade Exotic items to level 40, Image: Ubisoft

Below I have listed the bug fixes and performance tweaks which have been done in the latest Division 2 Title update 9.

The Division 2 Title Update 9 Patch Notes

Bug fixes

Gear and Skills

  • Fixed several magazine attachments not matching their weapons and/or clipping with their models.
  • Fixed several Scopes being offset on multiple weapons.
  • Fixed a missing animation when picking up the Skill variant after defeating the final boss in The Tombs Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing deployable Skills to not refresh their duration when receiving the Artificer Hive buff.
  • Fixed an issue causing some items created before Warlords of New York to have wrong attribute values.
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Glass Cannon” gear talent to amplify all healing received.
  • Fixed the text of the “Perfect Overflowing” talent to correctly state that it increases the base magazine capacity at the 3rd reload from empty.
  • Fixed the text of the Acosta’s Go-Bag talent “One in Hand…” to correctly state that the buff triggers when the grenade is thrown.
  • Fixed an issue causing cards to not correctly flip when having the “Poker Face” backpack talent of “Aces & Eights” Gear Set equipped.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Nemesis Exotic to not trigger the Focus Gear Talent while scoped.
  • Fixed an issue causing the muzzle flash VFX to be missing for the Lady Death Exotic submachine gun.
  • Fixed an issue causing agent to get stuck on slopes and stairs when having a shield equipped and moving diagonally.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Demolisher Firefly to sometimes target and destroy friendly decoys.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Sniper Turret to have odd behaviour when shooting at enemy NPCs with shields.
  • Fixed several issues causing attachments being misplaced on the Carnage and IWI NEGEV weapons.
  • Fixed the text for the Booster Hive to now correctly state that it delivers a stimulant to nearby allies that increases their weapon damage and handling.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to purchase the “Holster Intel: Go West, Young Agent” at Inaya.
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Plague of the Outcasts” debuff of the Pestilence to transfer the lower amount of stacks under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed wild life to count towards the Technician and Flamethrower Special Field Research. Be nice to the animals, y’all!


  • Fixed several issues causing low FPS in various Side Missions.
  • Fixed a streaming issue in Haven at the beginning of the cinematic after the objective “Meet Faye and Rhodes”.
  • Fixed a streaming issue players could encounter when starting the Pathway Park Main Mission.
  • Fixed several streaming issues in the Open World.
  • Fixed several performance issues during the Operation Dark Hours Raid.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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