Gather All Microsoft DP-200 Exam Details and Explore Them with Practice Tests Designed by Certbolt

Microsoft DP-200

As an IT professional, you should try to earn as many certificates as you possibly can. Each one you obtain will improve your reputation and increase the benefits you get. There are many certification vendors out there but not all of them are equal. One of the best that you can find right now is none other than Microsoft. It has a great program that covers a wide range of technologies and products. And one of the most popular credentials that the company currently offers is Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate.

Microsoft Certification

To get this badge, the candidates need to take two exams: one is Microsoft DP-200 and the other – DP-201. These tests evaluate one’s skills related to Microsoft Azure. However, here we will only talk about the DP-200 exam in detail.

Who is the target audience?

Taking Microsoft DP-200 is a big step and that is why you must gather all the important information before you move forward. Microsoft Azure is a popular technology that has been adopted by many organizations worldwide. They need those specialists who can work with Microsoft Azure and provide the best possible solutions. These companies don’t hire anybody, they look for the best talents in the business. This is where the Microsoft DP-200 exam comes in, once you pass it and earn the associated certification, you will become the perfect candidate to apply for such positions.

Microsoft Practice Test

The DP-200 exam is designed for data engineers who are accustomed to using Azure data services for providing various solutions. It is the main task of these specialists to implement security requirements, work with data storage services, and identify bottlenecks to enhance the experience. Those individuals who want to take this test must know how to work with the following Azure services:

  • SQL Database;
  • Cosmos DB;
  • Data Lake Storage;
  • Synapse Analytics;
  • Stream Analytics;
  • Data Factory;
  • Blob Storage;

What about the exam structure?

One of the most important things that you need to know about the Microsoft DP-200 exam is that you will have to attempt around 40 to 60 questions. The time limit is 120 minutes, which means that you will have around 2 minutes for each question.

Be ready to face with different types that may include hot area, drag and drop, multiple choice, active screen, and others of the long list that Microsoft offers you to get acquainted within the FAQ section. You will need to try and answer all the questions within the time limit, and to do so, you should keep up the pace. The main topic areas of Microsoft DP-200 are as follows:

  • Implement Data Solutions;
  • Manage and Develop Data Processing;
  • Monitor and Optimize Data Solutions.
  • Certbolt

Why do you need to use Certbolt and its resources?

Whenever you are preparing for any certification exam, you must make sure that you find the right study materials. Having said that, finding reliable resources for Microsoft DP-200 should not be a problem as the Internet is flooded with diversity. Thus, Microsoft itself provides a lot of tools that the candidates can use to prepare for this test. You can choose a training format you want on the official site (free and online or paid and instructor-led) and find some books or videos on credible platforms, such as Amazon, PrepAway, and YouTube.

There is nothing wrong is using more than one source during your preparation process. This is where comes into play; this website offers study bundles for numerous certification exams, including Microsoft DP-200.

The tools included in the premium package are 69 video lectures and more than 190 practice questions, both of which are extremely important. This bundle will cost you around $35 but if you want you can also just download free exam dumps. They are available in the form of VCE files, so you will need an emulator to access them. You can also find this testing engine on Certbolt Website URL Here.

Microsoft Certification Dumps

The number of practice tests you take will make a huge difference to your final score. At the end of each one, you can see your score, which will tell you a lot about your performance. You should analyze your results to understand where you are lacking behind. Then, you can divert your focus to the areas that need more attention. If you can maximize your score in these practice tests, you will certainly succeed in the final exam.


It is very common for IT experts to worry about their careers. There can be many reasons, and the reason not to move forward is one of them. If you feel that you are not going anywhere in your current path, this usually means that you need to start working on your skills. Employers generally prefer those candidates who offer something extra and are ready to continue to learn further.

With the help of the Microsoft certifications, you can try and improve your skills and knowledge, particularly, considering the fact that there is such a badge as Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate that is among the most sought-after.


To earn this Microsoft credential, the applicants need to take two tests, so you should be ready to double your efforts to get this popular badge. Passing these exams is not going to be easy, especially if you don’t take the proper time to study or use irrelevant and outdated prep resources.

If you are interested in working with Microsoft Azure, taking Microsoft DP-200 is one of the best decisions that you will ever make. The main thing is not to miss this opportunity. Thus, get all the necessary tools, prepare with great deliberation, and you will be able to harvest all the benefits that you can obtain after passing this test with flying colors!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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