PlayStation 5 Unboxing Release Date Revealed

PlayStation 5

There is less than a month for the arrival of PlayStation 5, the next-generation console Sony to take the place of PS4 and will rival Xbox Series X.

Although the media campaign of the Japanese giant has been anything but stingy with information on the platform and the games that will make the line-up, the details regarding the characteristics of the user interface have been revealed with a large delay by Sony.

The company wanted to keep a strong control on the possible leak of news about the console, preventing the dissemination of information on the UI before the official announcement and imposing an embargo on unboxing. And this last ban seems to be about to expire.

This is stated by the Gaming Trend channel in a video, reported at the bottom of the article, in which the opening of the box containing the copy of the console in possession is announced for tomorrow. It would therefore seem to be October 27th the date on which the international magazines, creators and YouTubers in possession of PlayStation 5 will be able to show the first images of the console and all that is contained within the sales package.

The same channel also announced that another embargo will expire on 6 November even if, at present, it is not known on what it is applied. It is possible to assume that it may be connected to some games or to the system interface which, as mentioned previously, was shown by Sony only a few days ago, after weeks of absolute secrecy about it.

In the absence of official communications from the Japanese giant, we just have to wait until tomorrow to find out if what is stated by Game Trend is true and be able to discover the first details about the sales package of PlayStation 5 and the accessories in it present.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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