Halo Infinite for Xbox One Hasn’t Been Cancelled, 343 Industries Says

Halo Infinite

The Halo community in recent weeks has been in total confusion. It all started with the request to 343 Industries by fans, worried about the success of the title, to abandon the Xbox One version of Halo Infinite, a title currently still under development.

A request that seemed to have been heard by the American company with the search for a UI Art Lead for the design of the title for Xbox Series X/S and PC only, but which instead seems to have been just a misunderstanding.

Many were happy with the possible cancellation of Halo Infinite for the last-gen version on Xbox One and Xbox One X, but so far that rumor has been promptly hushed up by John Junyszeck, Community Manager for 343 Industries, who in the last few hours has replied to a tweet, the latter deleted by the same user, about this very question, saying: “Nope. Please let me enjoy the holidays.”

Over the course of this year, several rumors have gossiped about both a delayed-release in 2022 and a cancellation of the last-gen version for Halo Infinite. In fact, in August, John Junyszek was forced to patch up the rumors with a post on Twitter in which he said the following:

“There are no plans to change our 2021 release or the devices and platforms we’ll be supporting. We’re building Halo Infinite to be the best it can be on each device/platform.”

After continuous rumors followed by denials, the development of this new chapter of Halo Infinite is proving to be really troubled and the lack of official communications regarding certain misunderstandings increases speculation by the fan-base and by all those who are genuinely concerned about the success or failure of this long-awaited title from Microsoft.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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