Star Wars Squadrons Update 4.2 Patch Notes Released With Fixes to Aim Assist and More

Star Wars Squadrons

EA today released a new update 4.2 patch notes for the Star Wars Squadrons. The latest update for the game brings several bug fixes as well changes that should now fix several bugs players have been facing.

Star Wars Squadrons update 4.2 according to its patch notes fixes an issue where aim assist was not functioning as intended when firing lasers at a player who is drifting. The update also fixes an issue where text chat could stop functioning when using a controller.

Below you can find the complete changelogs for the latest Star Wars Squadrons update 4.2 patch notes.

Star Wars Squadrons Update 4.2 Patch Notes


  • Fixed an issue where aim assist would not function as intended when firing lasers at a player who is drifting.

Custom Games

  • Fixed an issue where music would overlap for a spectator in Custom Games
  • Fixed an issue where the Flagship’s health and shields would not display correctly on the tactical map.


  • Fixed an issue where text chat could stop functioning when using a controller.

Starfighters & Components

  • The TIE defender’s Concussion Missile cooldown has been increased from 2.3 seconds to 6 seconds.

Star Wars Squadrons in an intense 5v5 multiplayer dogfight mode or as a single-player story campaign. The game will also support VR on PC and PS4 with cross-play support.

To recall, Star Wars Squadrons released for PC, PS4, and Xbox on October 2, 2020. Star Wars Squadrons is currently available for purchase on PC, Xbox One, Steam, Origin, EGS, and Microsoft Store for $39.99.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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