The Pros and Cons of Being a Social Worker

Social Worker

The society that we live in today has its ups and downs, and it has always been like that. We all have our insecurities and fear, yet we are thankful that we live in peace every day. No matter how advanced centuries have become but we all co-depend on each other for our survival. The human connections always seek refuge in another human being. The refuge can be for demonstrative purposes or moral or financial support. We all know that a part of our community or society lives in conditions that we will never prefer for ourselves.

Such difference still exists in our society besides all the modernization or technology is the socioeconomic status or the employment ratio in a country. The socioeconomic status itself entails many elements that make up for a particular lifestyle. Had there been all rich in the world, we would not have known empathy or fear of going poor that push us for our survival. People living in unfavorable living conditions look up to social workers to help them out.

Social work started to normalize in the late 19th century, and ever since then, it has helped many people to date. Like every other profession, social workers had to face challenges and cross some barriers. They have helped society to evolve through tough times and made society a safe place for us. Had it not been for these social workers, the world would still be suffering. Many of us have that empath in us that urges us to go the extra mile and help people. People working as social workers need a cswe online msw degree to explore their career pathway. Whenever we choose a career, we analyze its pros and cons. Let us find out the pros and cons you may face being a social worker.


  1. Ample Employment Opportunities

Whenever we hear the word social worker, our first impression about them as child protection workers is that their careers do not end with this particular designation. Sadly, we do not see many people aspiring to pursue a career in social work. Therefore, we do not know about the opportunities that exist within. Social work entails services that a family or a person requires in difficult times. Social workers are everywhere. You will find them helping people at the hospital to working with older adults in nursing homes. Their field does not bound them to one particular office or professional setting; instead, they can choose any setting of their choice.

  1. The Liberty to Make a Difference

Many of us choose a profession to have a stable income which is the primary objective of every person pursuing a career. Some of us look for a career that is rewarding and with a steady income.

If we ask you to name the professions making a difference in our lives, we will quickly say doctors, nurses, and teachers. Social workers also enjoy the liberty to make a difference in our lives. They help people by offering resources to families or individuals seeking help in crucial matters. The income that that field offers may not appear handsome than other professions. Still, the profession is as rewarding as nursing.

  1. Exciting Work Routine

We often feel bored when we find monotony in our routines. The profession that we once found exciting becomes boring, and we start looking for something new. If you plan to be a social worker, well, you do not have to worry about the boring or monotonous routine.

The social workers work in different settings, and the nature of their work differs every other day. Some days you may visit families for follow-ups, and sometimes, you might investigate cases entailing child abuses. There is a different case to address every day, and you will never feel bored in this profession.


  1. Emotional Burden

Working as a social worker is indeed exciting. Still, the situations and stories that you will come across will not be pleasing. Dealing with cases like domestic violence, child abuse, or drug abuse takes a toll on mental and emotional health. Working as a social worker, you will find many victims that have been through a lot and need your help. So if you are someone who is not strong emotionally, this profession might not be for you.

  1. High Caseload

If we compare the number of available social workers working actively in their field, the numbers are not that high. In 2020, there were seven hundred thousand social workers employed in different settings. Comparing the population in the US, this quantity of social workers is not enough to provide help.

The minimum number of social workers available for the population means that they carry a heavy workload. An average social worker can manage 15 to 20 cases with their training. Still, in general, they are always juggling between 40 to 50 cases. The multitude of cases and the high number of cases result in work burnout.

  1. Life-Threatening Situations

Being a social worker means helping people in scenarios where many won’t want you to interfere. The violence against social workers is inherent in many cases. Even as social workers, you might be helping the person with their consent, but you will still face criticism. In situations like child abuse or domestic violence, social workers can get hurt or endure injuries that can be life-threatening for them.


The field of social work is rewarding, but it also has its drawbacks. Suppose we picture the whole society and issues needing the attention of social workers. In that case, we will find plenty of issues but not enough social workers.

Every person working in this field is going the extra mile every day to create a difference or help someone break the violent cycle. We all need heroes in our lives, and not every hero wears a cape. The social workers are heroes without capes who see the worst of humanity, and yet they do not give up on hope or compassion to create a difference.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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