Dead by Daylight DBD Patch Notes 5.2.0

dbd patch notes

Dead by Daylight patch 5.2.0 (aka 2.29) update is now live on all platforms including PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The latest DBD patch notes 5.2.0 for the game adds a new Killer – The Cenobite. The patch now also lets players enable the ‘Large Text Settings’ in order to enlarge all texts in the HUD, for increased readability. The latest DBD patch notes 5.2.0 is also enabling the Skill Based Matchmaking that will go live on September 8th at 11:00 AM EDT.

There is also a Visual update that has been made for the Pallet. Further, the new patch for the DBD also replaces Rank with Grades and Grade rewards. It also brings bug fixes, and improvements to address performance issues on the Family Residence, Sanctum of Wrath, and Midwich Elementary School.

In addition, the latest DBD patch notes 5.2.0 brings several bug fixes to the game that foxes several in-game issues players have been complaining about.

Dead by Daylight (Update 2.29) DBD Patch Notes 5.2.0


  • Added a new Killer – The Cenobite
  • Match Results – When players leave a Trial with a Limited Item (Example: The Nemesis’s Vaccine) they will now be notified that they do not get to keep it. It has been consumed by The Entity.
  • Large Text Settings – The players can enable this option to enlarge all texts in the HUD, increasing readability.
  • Skill Based Matchmaking will be enabled separately on September 8th at 11:00 AM EDT.
  • Visual Update of the Pallet


The Nemesis Update:

  • Movement speed while charging Tentacle Strike Tier 3 increased to 4.0m/s (was 3.8m/s)
  • Shattered S.T.A.R.S. Badge effect duration increased to 60 seconds (was 30 seconds)
  • Iridescent Umbrella Badge effect duration increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds but was erroneously displayed as 12 seconds)
  • Ritual of The Nemesis reduced to reaching maximum Mutation Rate one time (was 4)


  • Various bug fixes and improvements to address performance issues on the Family Residence, Sanctum of Wrath, and Midwich Elementary School.
  • Blood Lodge and The Game maps are re-enabled
  • Updated a variety of survivors’ hair and facial hair cosmetics.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused killers not to hear several sounds for survivors not currently visible on screen. This includes, but is not limited to, footsteps when using the Spirit’s phase walk.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause a hitch to occur when using the Dead Hard perk.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause Dead Hard’s invulnerability not to coincide with the dash effect.
  • Fixed an issue that rarely caused survivors to keep some status effects, such as Lithe’s speed boost, for the remainder of the trial. The icon may now remain, but the effect will not be applied.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bubble indicators not to appear for the Doctor when survivors reach a new madness level, scream while in tier 3 Madness, or fail Snap Out of It skill checks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the exit gates to be permanently blocked after Victor is removed if he pounces on a Survivor near the exit gate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to be revealed by Killer Instinct when performing actions near Victor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused teachable perks to not be unlocked after being bought in the shrine.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bots to not always heal each other when next to a generator.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused survivor bots to get stuck in front of a killer blocking a vaulting point.
  • Fixed an issue that caused player names containing a ‘#’ to get truncated in-game and on the tally screen.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a wrong benevolent emblem to be assigned.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the unbreakable set to be breakable by the cosmetics previews in the store.
  • Fixed an issue that caused purchases to fail when buying multiple items in a row in the store.
  • Fixed an issue that caused frame hitches when a generator is repaired.
  • Fixed an issue that caused frame hitches when a survivor is healed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the hook count and the generator count to overlap each other when spectating a custom game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the pause menu to open and close constantly when holding the Escape key.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Tricksters’ charge indicator to carry over to other Killers after completing a match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Prove Thyself icon to be displayed more than once in the HUD
  • Fixed an issue that caused one hatch in the Treatment Theatre that can’t be opened with keys
  • Fixed an issue that caused one side of generator cannot be repaired from Hawkins tile
  • Fixed an issue that caused a survivor can remain stuck near one of the building in Dead Dawg Saloon
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse and Cenobite to teleport out of bounds on top of the basement in the east wing
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivor to clip into the stairs when cleansing a totem found under the stairs in some rooms in the Underground Complex
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivor to clip into the stairs when cleansing a totem found near the gallows in Dead Dawg Saloon
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivor not being able to interact with one of the Nightmare’s clocks in Resident Evil map
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivor to get stuck when cleansing a specific totem in the Disturbed Ward
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cow tree in the Farm map to have no collision and makes looping difficult
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision for survivor and killer when falling off one side of a Hill
  • Fixed an issue that caused the color of the pallet to be less vibrant
  • Fixed an issue that caused loss of progress. Additional issues are still under active investigation.

Full details on the Dead by Daylight patch 5.2.0 Update can be found here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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