How To Climb Higher Rank In League Of Legends

League Of Legends

Elo hell is something we’ve all experienced. You simply can’t seem to win games and gain that delicious Life Points, no matter how hard you try. When you’re done with champ choice and wondering how you’re going to get out of this game alive, you could think of things like these. Now you have nothing to be afraid about! We’ve put together a list of some of the greatest things you can do both in and outside of League games to enhance your LP yields and improve your overall game.

There are a variety of approaches to master League of Legends, including online instruction from professional players all around the world. WeCoach is widely regarded as the best league of legends coaching site.

Here are all the Top Techniques for Climbing the Ranked LoL League, without further hesitation.

Work On Improvement, Not Just On The Lp

This may sound counterintuitive to some of the tips, but if you truly want to improve as an ultimate league player, you must concentrate on building better rather than worrying about a particular game or LP. This may appear to be a self-evident suggestion; after all, who doesn’t desire to improve? However, if you truly want to improve your game, you should completely disregard LP.

The last thing you should be thinking about at the conclusion of the game is “how much LP did You end up losing?” “We would have won if my team had been stronger,” or “The other team didn’t deserve to win.”

Instead, you should be asking yourself, “How did I play these games?” “How can I improve on that lane?” “What did I do well?” and “What can I take away from the experience?” Don’t allow your teammates’ or your LP loss deter you from competing more and honing the abilities you’ll need to ascend the ranks.

More essential than any quantity of LP is developing abilities via playing the game and taking use of some of the suggestions provided below. Don’t stress the trivial things, and LP is a minor piece of work.

Just Play 1-3 Champions At A Time

One fooling a champion and having 1-2 good backups is the method to go if your aim is merely to acquire LP, perhaps for that Triumphant outfit or just to boast to your buddies. This may appear to be an unusual suggestion, considering One Trick Ponies (OTPs) have a poor reputation in the high elo arena.


The main reason professionals and other high-elo players dislike OTPs is that there are so many of them in Diamond and higher. And what makes you think that? It’s because establishing an OTP is one of the most straightforward ways to progress! It’s insane how many OTPs there are in bigger elo due to how easy it is to single trick a champion and get LP.

But carrying a backup plan in case your primary is barred is just as vital, if not more so, than being extremely excellent at a particular champion. It happens quite frequently than you would think, and while you can avoid a game by taking a 3 LP penalty, if your One Trick champion is well-known (like Yasuo), you’ll want to have a plan.

Wander Freely

Wandering is one of the most effective ways to get an advantage in League games. Wandering for kills, pressure, and subsequent objectives puts you ahead in a manner that you wouldn’t be able to if you stuck to your side and farmed.

A successful roaming, which generally yields a death, castle plates, or neutral objectives, nearly always makes a missed farm valuable. When in doubt, push your lane towards the opposing tower and go towards the middle. This either results in a spectacular kill and tower damage, or at the least allows you to get some visibility into the opposing jungle, making your lane safer and more stable.

When it comes to wandering, lane/minion handling is crucial, and it may frequently determine whether roaming is worthwhile or not. Before doing so, plan on roaming for around a minute, since this allows you time to establish the waves and minimise gold loss from enemies.

Get Creative With Your Tools

Excluding support players, you must always keep an eye out for number one when playing competitively. This entails claiming as much farm as possible, quite so many camps as possible, and as many supplies as your team can provide. You only have one aspect in SoloQ that you can completely influence: yourself.

That implies you should build up your strength since you know you can carry, but you can’t be sure of your colleagues. Because your colleagues might be risky at times, your greatest bet is on yourself.

Overall, you can only rely on yourself to perform well enough with resources (barring any restrictions), so make absolutely sure you obtain as much as feasible to enhance your carrying capacity. Your colleagues, as well as your LP, will be grateful.

Mute Complaining Individuals

As silly as it sounds, muting your teammates helps improve your in-game attention and mental toughness. Certainly, talking to your teammates may be beneficial in terms of keeping track of summoner spell cooldowns, discussing forthcoming plays, and ambush possibilities, but it can also lead to disputes and lower team atmosphere.

Discussions are unavoidable in League games; it’s just a sad reality of the world. However, if you just ‘/mute all’ when folks start whining, you’ll be blissfully ignorant of them, which will vastly enhance your performance.

In League of Legends, typing may be extremely harmful to your in-game performance. Writing to teammates or adversaries diverts your attention away from the game and onto anything else your team is debating, obstructing your performance.

You don’t even have to be fighting or screaming; merely typing, even if it’s just heading back to the lane, could make your game poorer. Really shouldn’t be one of those guys; winning every game is far more essential than what your colleagues have to say, so hush them right away to save yourself the hassle.


Climbing the League ranked ladder isn’t simple, but if you follow some of these strategies and invest in enough work and exertion, you’ll be on your path to greatness in no time. Best of luck with your undertakings.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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