Workers Comp Benefits in Indiana

Workers Comp

Have you recently suffered a serious on-the-job injury in Indiana, you may be very concerned about how to avoid financial ruin. If you have to take time off to recuperate from your injuries, you may find it difficult to continue providing for yourself and your family. Not to mention the considerable medical expenses you have likely accrued. 

Fortunately, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits. Whether you suffered a traumatic brain injury or need work-related hearing loss compensation, you may be able to access the benefits you need and deserve when you pursue workers compensation benefits in Indiana. 

Continue reading to learn more about who qualifies for workers comp benefits in Indiana and what these benefits might consist of. 

Who Qualifies for Indiana Workers Comp Benefits?

The majority of employers in the state of Indiana are required to provide their employees with workers compensation coverage. This means you should be covered by your employer’s workers comp policy from the first day of your employment. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are a full-time or part-time employee—as long as you are employed by the company, you could be entitled to workers compensation benefits. 

In order to get your claim approved, you will need to show the accident occurred because of or at work. Maybe you were involved in a car accident while working as a delivery driver. Or perhaps you tripped while walking to the printer and broke your leg. As long as your injuries occurred while you were doing some activity that is within the scope of your employment, you should qualify for workers comp benefits. 

With that being said, there are several instances in which you might have your workers comp claim rightfully denied. If you harmed yourself, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, were violating your company’s code of conduct, or if you were committing a crime at the time of your injury, the insurance company may have the right to deny your claim. If you think this could be an issue for you, it’s important you contact an attorney to discuss the specific details of your case. 

Disability Benefits

First, and arguably the most important benefit you can collect once your workers comp claim is approved, is disability benefits. This describes the amount of money you can collect while you are unable to work. You can be awarded approximately two-thirds of your average weekly salary. 

Keep in mind there are limits to both the amount you can collect and the amount of time you can collect them for. These details will depend on the type of injury you sustained and its severity. 

It’s possible you could recover the remaining portion of your lost wages, plus other damages if someone else is responsible for causing your injuries. A personal injury lawsuit could be a good option for you and your family. 

Coverage of Injury-Related Medical Expenses

If you were worried about how you were going to cover all of your medical expenses, you are in luck. All of your work-related injury medical costs should be taken care of and paid in full by your employer’s workers compensation insurance provider. 

It is not uncommon for insurers to fight back, especially in the future, when your injuries require further medical care. A workers comp lawyer can help you make sure the insurance company covers their required financial obligation to you. 

Vocational Rehabilitation 

If your injuries are so severe that you are unable to continue working within the same industry, you may be entitled to compensation that covers the costs of job training or vocational rehabilitation so you can find gainful employment in another field.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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