Battlefield 2042 Update 3 (0.3.0) Patch Notes Released

Battlefield 2042

New Battlefield 2042 update 3 (0.3.0) is now available to download on all platforms. Notably, the latest Battlefield 2042 update 3 (0.3.0) is huge and brings tons of fixes, improvements, and QoL enhancements to the game. Apart from this, Battlefield 2042 update 3 also includes many quality of life improvements and over 150 individual fixes, small changes, and improvements across all of the maps in the game.

Notably, the latest Battlefield 2042 update 3 (0.3.0) will be available to download starting December 2, 2021. Below you can find the complete Battlefield 2042 update 3 (0.3.0) patch notes.

Battlefield 2042 Update 3 (0.3.0) Patch Notes

Fixes, Changes, and Improvements


  • The Recent Players screen now include everyone from previous matches to allow for easier user reporting
  • Made improvements to the “Interaction” system by switching the default “INTERACT” text on multiple interactions to reflect the action you are about to do, i.e. “OPEN CONTAINER”, “CALL ELEVATOR”
  • Resolved Kaleidoscope server room lighting issue
  • Resolved an issue related to the velocity / trajectory while spawning in jets
  • Improved helicopter animation in level fly-bys during insertion
  • Improvements to address an issue where players killed in vehicles would fall beneath level geometry
  • Improvements to streaming assets in deploy screen presentation
  • Player no longer gets stuck in a zipline/rope after exiting a vehicle after entering it too close to a zipline or rope
  • Exiting an open seat early in the enter animation no longer causes your aim pitch to lock up
  • Correct field of view is applied immediately following insertion sequences 

User Interface

  • Improved the Collection screens, making them easier to use and clear as to what you’re interacting with
  • Improved the ways in which you’re able to manage your attachments via the Collection screen to reduce the number of interactions you need to have when building your loadouts
  • Enhancements to our Player Card screen and End of Round (EOR) to provide additional polish
  • Added new markers to make your newly unlocked items easier to find
  • Improved screen transitions when entering and returning to the Main Menu
  • Improved Report a Player flows, specifically around toxicity and cheating reports
  • The in-game scoreboard now properly scales to match screen safe-zone settings
  • Fixed instances where the scroll function didn’t work in the Options screens
  • Implemented Focus restoration for screens so the focused button is remembered when re-entering a screen
  • Fixed visual effects remain on screen during End of Round
  • CommoRose
    • Improved responsiveness of CommoRose opening
    • Fixed inactive objectives showing in the CommoRose for defenders in Rush & Breakthrough
    • Fixed objectives not showing in the CommoRose for attackers in Rush

Matchmaking & Friends

  • Improved the experience between EOR and the Main Menu
  • Improved Matchmaking reliability and reduced instances of Matchmaking failed
  • Improved Crossplay invite flows
  • Fixed Rich presence update issues, ensuring that your friends are better able to track where you are in Game
  • Addressed servers getting stuck in unresponsive game states, where rounds fail to properly start
  • Fixes to Friend Invitations for players on PC
  • Fixed an issue where the friends list was sometimes not fully up to date

Progression and Unlocks

  • Introduction of weekly missions, providing set challenges that reward cosmetic unlocks
  • Added 1st match bonus of 1000 Dark Market Credits for Hazard Zone
  • Improved overall XP/Rank tracking and reliability
  • Improved Mastery rank tracking
  • Improved reliability of Player card tracking
  • The required level to unlock an item is no longer visible once the item is unlocked
  • Fixed a bug where Mastery Badges weren’t displaying within the Portal Collection menu
  • Fixed an issue that was not properly awarding XP for Angel resupplies
  • 3D preview of vehicles now displays the correct customizations in the Collection menu
  • Added a notification when reaching a new Player Card Badge tier
  • Added a notification when reaching a new Mastery tier


  • Addressed a variety of visual flickering and stuttering issues
  • Improvements to water rendering when Aiming Down Sight (ADS)
  • Added sight definition for iron sights to allow correct ADS for the VCAR
  • Leaving ADS  is now smoother than before on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles
  • Addressed multiple graphical issues affecting water reflections
  • Addressed an issue with character rendering for players joining a match in progress
  • Made improvements to artifacts affecting DLSS implementation
  • Fixed flickering in the oasis water in El Alamein on deploy
  • Fixed animations sometimes glitching when picking up a weapon from the ground
  • Fixed Aircrafts sometimes showing up with wrong landing gear visuals
  • Fixed issue that would cause incorrect bullet impact effects when shooting near water
  • Fixed Ju-87 Stuka Gunner Seat firing visual effects not aligning properly with the airplane
  • Shifted PSO-1 Scope forward on AN94 to prevent clipping into screen while idle
  • Fixed skinning issues for several PP-29 Weapon Skins


  • Over 150 individual fixes, small changes, and improvements across all of our Maps
  • Improved level geometry issues across all levels addressing issues such players getting snagged or trapped
  • Resolved multiple spawning issues
  • Resolved visual glitches such as lens flare, visible seams in skydome
  • Resolved a large number of collision and placement issues
  • Addressed issues affecting local audio placement in multiple Maps

Battlefield Hazard Zone

  • Made improvements to visual presentation of Dark Market Credits
  • Modified the Squad and Player Screen to remove enemy squad names
  • Modified the Scoreboard to no longer show connected enemy players
  • Added additional flares to Extraction Zone, offering players better visibility of extraction area, as well as providing additional cover
  • Added new spawn locations for initial Data Capsules
  • Increased the amount of Data Drives initial Data Capsules can contain
  • Made improvements to the Data Drive Scanner’s accuracy and enemy identification
  • Resolved an issue where two teams could extract simultaneously
  • Resolved warnings to alert players they’re being scanned sometimes not appearing
  • Made it easier to interact with Data Drive pick-ups
  • Added a distance read-out for the next available Extraction Point
  • Improved the end-of-round camera placement
  • The “Modify” button in the lobby now takes you back to the Perk tab
  • Initial Data Capsules now only spawn a maximum of 4-6 Opposing Forces
  • Drones inside the extraction Condor will now be destroyed upon leaving
  • Added XP for completely eliminating an enemy squad
  • The Redeploy icon is now part of the soldier and vehicle world icon
  • Fixed players sometimes being able to pick up more than their max capacity of Data Drives
  • Fixed instances where the Round Bonus XP was inaccurate and the End of Round was not triggering correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the countdown in the lobby would not start if the player was tabbed out
  • Reduced width of lobby summary information
  • Added an animation and audio cue when the player’s Remaining Balance changes in the lobby
  • Combined Tactical Items tab into a single tab in the lobby
  • Made lock icon visuals more clear while in the lobby
  • Added an option to Quit from the waiting for players to join and pre-round lobby menu
  • Fixed an issue in the lobby that made it difficult to understand what Tactical Items are being selected
  • Fixed an issue where voice over would get cut off too early at the end of round
  • Fixed issues with voice over heard by extracting players
  • Fixed issues with random audio triggers for the Data Drive Scanner
  • Fixed missing music when squad gets eliminated

Battlefield Portal

  • Added Server Info for the Pause Menu
  • Added support for reporting a server from the Pause Menu
  • Added support for server admins to write periodic server messages
  • Simplified the Server Settings screen design
  • Fixed an issue where bullet spread would be too high when trying to fire while zoomed right after sprinting for some Portal weapons
  • Fixed maximum human players displaying incorrectly in the Modifiers Tab for FFA game modes
  • Added different loading music based on which Portal map is loading
  • Setting a low Max Health multiplier for vehicles will no longer cause them to spawn in on fire
  • Aircraft within Portal now display their equipped missiles and bombs correctly
  • Added a UI indicator for Rush to show when the next sector will start
  • Fixed a visual issue while reloading several Launchers (RPG-7, SMAW, Bazooka, Panzerschreck)

The full changelogs can be found here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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