PUBG Update 15.1 Patch Notes Adds New Mountain Bike, Season 14 Ranked Mode Rewards and More


PUBG has received a new major update 15.1 on the console. The new PUBG update 15.1 for the console will be live on the following dates and times. According to the PUBG update 15.1 patch notes, the new update adds a new Mountain Bike as well as brings a huge list of balance changes to weapons, bug fixes, details on Map Service Plan, and fresh updates to maps.

Apart from this, the latest PUBG update 15.1 patch notes also add Season 14 Ranked Mode Rewards and much more which you can find below in the full patch notes.

PUBG Update 15.1 Console Patch Notes


  • PST: 8 Dec 8 PM – 9 Dec 3 AM
  • CET: 9 Dec 5 AM – 12 PM
  • KST:  9 Dec 1 PM – 8 PM

Mountain Bike

Attention all triathletes! The Mountain Bike, a fan-requested vehicle is coming to the Battlegrounds. Unlike our other vehicles, the Mountain Bike can be found as a lootable item in its folded state. It can be located most often on the outskirts of the map, helping you have additional transportation methods.

Due to the lack of an engine, it hardly makes any noise, allowing for stealthy movement. Combined with Driver shooting, this can lead to some great surprises for your enemies.

Where to find Mountain Bike in PUBG?

Mountain Bike can be found as a lootable item in its folded state. It can be located most often on the outskirts of the map, helping you have additional transportation methods.

Mountain Bike


  • Maps: All maps in normal matches
  • Spawned in a folded form.
  • Unfold it into a rideable vehicle or store them in inventory.
  • Folds back into an item when stored back into the inventory.
  • Due to the absence of a speedometer, the current traveling speed is not displayed.
  • Does not spawn in Esports Mode.
  • Maximum number of passengers: One
  • Maximum speed:Max speed without sprinting (85% Force applied to pedals): 50 km/h
  • Riding with 40% or more Boost (90% Force applied to pedals): 54 km/h
  • Riding with sprint tapping (100% Force applied to pedals): 62 km/h
  • HP: Cannot be destroyed, including the wheels
  • Item weight: 70
  • Fuel consumption: None


Like in real life, you can sprint on the Mountain Bike by putting in some physical effort to mash the A (Xbox & Stadia)/Χ (Playstation) button repeatedly to cycle faster. Being boosted makes it easier to reach max sprint speed. Higher tapping speeds increase sprint speed.


Additionally, you can put your BMX skills to the test by jumping with the Mountain Bike. Holding the LB (Xbox & Stadia)/L1 (Playstation) button longer (up to half a second) will increase jump height. High speed and being boosted also increases the jump height.


We hipsters don’t ride on two wheels. We don’t find the need to use all wheels because it just ain’t cool! One, that’s right, one wheel is all we need. Try to find the perfect balance by holding the “sprint” button and tapping “jump” in rhythm to find the hipster inside you.




  • The P90 is making the most kills of any Crate weapon and is performing better on ranges where we want Crate ARs to dominate. So we decided to increase the recoil difficulty while supplying less ammo.
    • Increased horizontal and vertical recoil
    • Increased ADS deviation during full-auto burst
    • Lowered Care package ammo from 250 -> 200 bullets


  • The Shotguns in Battlegrounds continue to have a very limited role as seen in our data, to improve their usability we are increasing the effective range.
    • Increased damage drop-off range to improve effective range by several meters per shotgun
    • Increased hit probability on short range
    • Increased Sawed-Off damage by 1
    • Decreased Sawed-Off pellet spread


  • LMGs in general are not considered useful enough based on our data, so we are slightly increasing their damage potential to improve the weapon’s role. For MG3 we saw very little usage in our data compared to the other crate weapons so we are making it more powerful.  Also, some time ago we nerfed the effectiveness of the M249 on Console. We now see that that nerf has had too much effect and thus we are changing its recoil to a state in between the current and previous iteration.
    • Reduced recoil when shooting in crouch and stand
    • Increased Body Damage multiplier from 1.0 to 1.05
    • Increased M249 damage by 1
    • Reduced Horizontal & Vertical Recoil for M249
    • Increased MG3 damage by 2
    • Decreased MG3 horizontal recoil


  • While some players feel that SMGs have a strong position due to their relatively low recoil, we still see in data that their role in weapon balance is very limited. To incentivize more accurate firing we are increasing the Head Damage multiplier.
    • Increased Head Damage multiplier from 1.8 to 2.1
    • Increased PP-19 Bizon weapon accuracy during ADS full auto firing
    • Decreased UMP45 Damage at longer ranges
    • Decreased UMP45 weapon accuracy during ADS full auto firing


  • The AUG seems to be overtaken by the P90 and even by the user’s ability to control the Beryl, thus we are making it slightly more powerful to improve its Crate weapon status.
    • Increased damage by 1
    • Increased damage drop-off range to improve effective range


If you want to have up to 60% faster reloads, take a QuickDraw Magazine. If you want to have the highest magazine capacity, take an Extended Magazine. If you want to have a bit of both, take an Extended QuickDraw Magazine.

Example when applied to M416:

  • Default Magazine: 30 bullets
  • QuickDraw Magazine: 30 bullets and 60% faster reload
  • Extended Magazine: 42 bullets
  • Extended QuickDraw Magazine: 40 bullets and 15% faster reload


  • We have added the QuickDraw Magazine Attachment to the Skorpion.



Season 14 has now wrapped up and it’s time to enjoy your rewards, after a hard-fought season of Ranked. Rewards will be automatically distributed to your inventory upon login at the beginning of Season 15.

Season 14 rewards are granted based on your final end-of-season rank.


  • TheParachute Skin is a permanent reward players keep forever and can equip as they please.
  • The rest of the earnable rewards are only ‘Unlocked’ for the duration of a single Ranked Season.
  • Only the unlocked rewards from a player’s highest rank will be granted.
  • Unlocked Rewards can be found in the inventory at the start of the new Season.
  • Once the Ranked Season is over and the server maintenance begins, Unlocked Rewards will be collected from the inventory.


  • Every vehicle but the Scooter has been removed from Training Mode to prevent various sound and crash issues and to prevent players from getting bothered by other players’ vehicles during shooting practice.
  • After we observe the change in memory usage issues, we will discuss about the feature of allowing players to choose a vehicle of their choice in Training Mode.


  • An additional Action Wheel with 8 more slots has been added as we noticed that players did not seem to have enough space to fit and use all their spray and emote items.
  • Players will be able to find their additional Action Wheel in the Customize tab.
  • In the lobby or in a match, players can switch between the first and second action wheel by using left and right on the D-pad.
  • If players select spray items from their Action Wheel in the lobby, a message will pop up saying that sprays are unable to use.


  • There has been performance updates with the Hideout tab.
    • The loading speed when first accessing the page has been improved.
    • A feature that could help prevent accidental weapon upgrades has been added.
      • A message showing the current level has been added to the Upgrade button.
      • Once a player clicks the Upgrade button, an additional confirmation message will pop up.
  • Memory usage has been improved by removing unused and duplicate data files within the game.


Smoke grenade deployment sound and visual effects are now synchronized

  • The deploy sound stops ten seconds before the smoke cover fully disappears.
  • Smoke cover fadeout starts when sound effect is stopped, so player can start being visible from five seconds while inside smoke.


  • We have implemented a system that prevents players from receiving damage from cheats using lag switch on console.


  • New Vehicle: Mountain Bike’s tool tip is displayed only in English in certain languages.



  • Fixed the issue of the PGC 2021 Contingent Chaos – Beryl M762’s rail blocking players’ sight when in ADS.
  • Fixed the issue of a player unable to join the Comeback BR after getting killed while disconnected from the game.
  • Fixed the issue of custom game sessions getting deleted due to unknown reasons.
  • Fixed the issue of a dirt bike with blown-out tires moving slowly by itself on the ground.
  • Fixed the issue of an empty screen being shown to players when a custom game session is deleted.
  • Fixed the issue of characters being shown in a consistent pose after pausing during replay.
  • Fixed the issue of creatures not being killed when shot.
  • Fixed the issue of the crosshair of a weapon with a scope equipped in ADS mode shaking severely when used in the backseat of a vehicle.
  • Fixed the issue that caused Jerry cans not to explode when shot.
  • Fixed the issue that caused C4 to disappear but still explode after it was attached to a mountain bike that was placed back into the player’s inventory.
  • Fixed the issue that caused other player’s lean animation to appear faster than expected.


  • Fixed general bugs in Sanhok.
  • Fixed the issue on Erangel where players were unable to deal damage to others on the other side of a certain fence.
  • Fixed the issue on Miramar, where certain terrain textures are shown as low quality.
  • Fixed the issue that caused Blue Zone grenades and C4 to be included in the supply drops on Taego in Ranked Mode.
  • Fixed the issue that allowed players to get inside a cliff on Miramar.


  • Fixed the issue of the parachute reward from Ranked Season 13 being shown as two items in the inventory.
  • Fixed the issue of the kill message on the upper right screen not disappearing in matches.
  • Fixed the issue of the character glitching when changing items in the set item preview screen.
  • Fixed the issue of the awkward P90 magazine appearance in the inventory.
  • Fixed the issue of the killfeed text being cut off due to specific killfeed limit settings.
  • Fixed the issue of the text being cut off after a teammate dies in Ranked when player sets game language to English.


Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.

  • Fixed a clipping issue when a male character equips Shadowstar’s Top with Moon Rabbit Jacket.
  • Fixed the issue of the Bunny Aeronautics – M416 and Bunny Aeronautics – Mini-14 looking severely dark indoors.
  • Fixed the issue of the Night Hunter Costume’s bullet loops looking awkward in-game.
  • Fixed the clipping issue when the PUBG Varsity Jacket is equipped with most glove items.
  • Fixed the clipping issue of a female character’s top and bottom when equipping specific jacket items.

For the full map update changes, you can check out the full official patch notes here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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