How to Make Compliance Training Engaging

Compliance Training

Since the turn of the century, technology has undergone significant changes. There are cloud data, tracking systems, learning tools, and other cutting-edge technologies available today.

These advances have altered the way organizations comply with their obligations. Nevertheless, compliance training remains an exceptional practice in most companies. A decade ago, compliance training was conducted traditionally. Today, compliance e-learning training is used. This remains the most challenging training experience that an employee goes through at an organization. 

You can use LMS for training your employees and look for their reviews to understand the better options. Check out the 360Learning reviews, Canvas, or any other LMS reviews to know more about the product and how well (or not) they are performing for their existing users.

The use of eLearning and mobile learning to deliver training is the most common way today. There is no question that compliance training is mandatory, necessary, and indispensable. When compared to leadership development training, compliance training is usually performed on a relatively small budget. Mandatory training is considered nothing more than a tick in the box. As a consequence, is it possible for compliance training to become engaging? The answer is yes, let’s check out the following ways to make compliance training more effective.  

Application size 

To make training accessible to each one without technical interferences like the memory size of the mobile it is important to make the training modules bite-size. As a result, people will be able to download and use it smoothly without any issues. Small bite-size programs will also run effectively on eLearning platforms. 

Use relevancy.    

With the course content, you can provide the knowledge that is required by using theory. Although when you use relevant content and material, the efficiency of course increases. By using relevant and engaging content, you can retain your audience.

While creating courses for compliance training, the courses should contain fictional examples and be more personal to improve the impact.

You can also create scenarios that provide the negative consequences of not behaving accordingly. People are more likely to remember such examples. If there are any real incidents to show the negative impacts, learners will understand the importance of compliance training.

Creating difficult assessments

Learning modules should be easy to understand but the assignments and assessments should have a level of difficulty to make sure the learners are learning thoroughly. Instead of memorization of information, the testing should focus on applying the knowledge.

This can be accomplished by creating scenario-based assessments. Using different scenes to develop challenges that will mirror real-life situations will make the content of the course more relatable and improve learners’ decision-making capabilities.

Challenges will identify the understanding level of learners and point out the areas where they need more training. 

Endorsement by senior

Without backing from the top or a senior leader, compliance training will not be successful. Before we can increase learner engagement, the leadership must be on board.

You will be able to engrain the principles of compliance in your learners only when they see the training is supported by their supervisors or seniors and that they are equally enthusiastic about the training.

Objective importance

The objective behind providing compliance training is to make sure the company’s policies, as well as rules and regulations, are obeyed. Thus, once the training is completed, make sure the following objectives are met.

  • Company rules are understood and respected by all employees, and fewer errors or accidents occur.
  • Employees follow the law that applies to the organization, including local and government laws. In this way, fines and penalties are prevented from being issued.
  • There is no harassment or complaints at the workplace, and ethics are maintained.
  • Its reputation is unmatched by others, and it is respected by the public. 


We have only listed a few examples of how you can fulfill compliance requirements or present policies and guidelines in a way learners will recognize and appreciate. It is possible to turn compliance training into an engaging experience when we customize it, make it easily comprehensible, and relevant so that people are drawn to it.

When developing compliance training, we have to keep in mind that the learner is the most valuable element, even when it comes to mandated training, so we must focus on making it engaging.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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