Lost Ark Wili Wili Boss Guide & How To Defeat

Wili Wili

Defeating Wili Wili Boss in Lost Ark is not difficult once you have a good strategy in place. If you don’t want to have to fight this boss alone, you can follow this guide to learn where to find it and how to beat it. This boss is not very easy, especially if you’re low-stat. It’s a great way to make sure you have all the items you need to finish the game.

There are many world bosses in Lost Ark. These are very powerful and spawn randomly in different regions of the game. Like in most MMORPGs, they are extremely powerful and boosted with amazing stats. One such boss is Wili-Wili.

How to Defeat Wili Wili Boss?

Defeating this feared pumpkin requires inflicting 32,646,936 damage to completely empty the boss’ 23-life bars. His attacks are basic but effective. Be aware of his spin attacks, as they levitate and increase his height before delivering the kill blow. It’s important to destroy Wili-Wili’s minions before fighting him.

The best way to defeat the Wili-Wili boss in the game is to use a good-card deck. The card deck is divided into six sections – Books, Enhance, and Card Sets. Each of these tabs has a different purpose. The cards you place in the Card Deck provide passive and powerful bonuses to your character. The more cards you have in your deck, the better.

Once you’ve defeated Wili-Wili, you’ll be rewarded with some epic gear. The rewards of the world boss Wili-Wili include a variety of weapons, armors, and jewelry. In addition, you’ll also get various treasure maps, and these are useful to help you make your gear more valuable and improve your character’s abilities.


Defeating the Wili-Wili boss will unlock the Adventurer of East Luttera achievement and Adventurer’s Tome reward. Along with  them, you will get the following rewards:

  • Magick Observer Gloves
  • Fragmented Spirit Necklace
  • An epic chest that contains:
    • x1 Epic Accessory
    • x2 Uncommon combat Engraving Recipes
    • Stone of Endurance
    • Secret Map
    • Eternity Essence
    • Wili Wili Card

The first boss in the game is called the Wili-Wili. It is the spirit of fallen soldiers. The vengeful spirit of fallen soldiers gathered together to form the Wili-Wili. The Wili-Wili attacks players with a scythe and a spin attack. The scythe is also the best weapon to use in the game.

You can read our other Lost Ark guides here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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