How to Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax in Elden Ring

Lichdragon Fortissax

The Lichdragon Fortissax is a dragon boss found in the Elden Ring. It’s located in the Deeproot Depths region of the map. The fight is easy enough to miss because it is hidden by the forest. The questline leads you to the Fortissax by the end of Fia’s story quest. Only one other dragon can be found in this game, the Dragonlord, which can be found in later regions of the story. In this guide, I will guide you on how you can fight and defeat Lichdragon boss in Elden Ring.

How to Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax in Elden Ring

The Lichdragon Fortissax is very difficult to kill and has enough damage to make it a very tough opponent. The Lichdragon Fortissax is a powerful enemy that can change the course of your story.

He is a key item for the Fia questline, and can only be unlocked after completing Fia’s questline. It’s also a great way to get a new perspective on the game’s narrative, and it’s not difficult to do.

Fia the Deathbed Companion is an early Legendary creature that is found in the Nokron area. It can be fought by giving Fia the Mending Rune of the Death Prince, which is an essential item in the game.

Once you’ve defeated this monster, you can use the Mending Rune to repair the Elden Ring. It can also cure Immortality for your character.

If you’ve completed Fia’s questlines, you’ll have the opportunity to defeat the Lichdragon Fortissax and earn the legendary sword. To find this legendary sword, you must first progress the questline called “Fia’s Curse of Fracture“. Then, you can find the strange face in the Stormveil Castle’s underground. Then, look for a blood spot. To complete the quest, you’ll have to defeat the Lichdragon FortisSax and earn a sign.

Defeating this legendary beast will provide you with a special item. When you’re defeated, you’ll be able to get the Mending Rune of Death Prince, which is located right next to Fia’s body.

This is useful when you’re trying to repair your Elden Ring and cure Immortality. To complete this quest, you must speak with Fia three times. After the third time, she’ll be sleeping.

Defeating this boss requires that you speak to Fia three times, each time ensuring that she’s asleep. Once you’re inside, you should find the Reme of the Lichdragon Fortissax inside the Deathbed Dream. If you’re unable to speak to Fia, you can continue your quest and collect the Mending Rune of Death Prince. It can help you repair your Elden Ring and cure Immortality if used at the right place.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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