Lost Ark April 21 Update Patch Brings New Ark Skins, Ark Pass and Lots More

Lost Ark

The latest Lost Ark update was recently released on April 21. If you are looking for the official patch notes then you can find them here.

It features a new class and new region of Arkesia called South Vern. This update also brings new content, including Glavier Martial Artist. For more information, read our patch notes below. In the meantime, you can catch up on the latest news on the game. This patch notes article has everything you need to know about the new class.

One of the major changes coming to the Lost Ark April update is the introduction of the Glaivier class. Other changes to the game include new Express Missions and the rumored Ark Pass.

This patch will also increase the amount of character slots from twelve to 18. You can now play the game with up to 18 characters, and some of the rewards will be tied to completing the 25-day track. All of these changes will make the game more fun than ever.

Another big change is the introduction of the Glaivier class, which allows players to wield both a glaive and a spear. Because Glaiviers can wield two weapons, the Glavier’s skill set is very versatile.

A true master of this class will not specialize in one weapon, but rather will chain the glaive and spear together for mind-blowing combos. The upcoming Battle for the Throne of Chaos is also another big addition to the game.

You can find the full official Lost Ark April 21 Update patch notes here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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