Trademark Protection: Everything You Need to Know


If you’ve started a company, you know that your business is your baby. While protecting your profits, employees, and products is essential, you can’t do so without first defending your business’s intellectual property and identifiers.

Luckily, registering for and using a trademark is one of the many strategies business owners can implement to prevent copycats and competitors from edging in. If you’re ready to protect what makes your business unique, check out this list of everything you need to know about trademark protection.

What is a trademark?

A trademark signifies that a person or business owns rights to a particular word, logo, slogan, design, or title. Those who own a federal trademark in the United States can use the “circle R” or “™” next to their logo, protecting the business’s brand from unauthorized use or duplication. 

As long as a trademark can distinguish the goods or services of one company from another, it will be eligible for protection. Readers interested in trademark protection should partner with a trusted IP group like Dennemeyer to gain access to safety support and protection strategies.

Types of trademarks

There are five types of trademarks available to business owners. First, arbitrary marks are words that already exist but whose definitions aren’t associated with the good or service that the business provides. Second, fanciful marks are words or symbols that are made up and unique to your brand’s representation.

Third, descriptive marks are logos or brand names that describe the product you offer. Fourth, suggestive marks imply details about your product without directly mentioning the function of the product or what it is. Finally, generic marks describe the product or service. Generic marks will not achieve trademark status in the United States.

How to register a trademark

Business owners interested in safeguarding their brand identity must apply with the United State Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to register a trademark. Business owners can complete the process online, and luckily, it’s relatively straightforward. First, you’ll need to provide basic information about your business and your proposed trademark. 

Once you’ve filed your application, the USPTO will review it to ensure that your request has met the requirements. Once approved, the office will publish your trademark in the Official Gazette. If anyone objects to your trademark, they’ll have 30 days to file an opposition. If no one opposes your trademark, or if the opposition is unsuccessful, your trademark will be registered.

Why should you trademark?

There are many reasons you might want to trademark your business name or logo. First and foremost, obtaining a trademark is a way to protect your intellectual property. If you have a unique name or logo but don’t have a trademark, a competitor could take advantage and utilize your intellectual property without your permission. 

Moreover, trademarks assist customers in more easily recognizing your brand online and in stores. A strong trademark will also increase the value of your business, which will pay off if you decide to sell your business.

Wrapping up

A trademark is an essential asset for a successful business. By registering your trademark, you can keep your company out of harm’s way and ensure that your business has every chance to succeed.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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