Arma Reforger Early Access Now Live on PC and Xbox

Arma Reforger

The highly anticipated multiplayer shooter Arma Reforger is now out in Early Access on PC and Xbox. Designed to appeal to a casual audience, Reforger is similar in playstyle to games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. While it doesn’t have the depth of Arma 4, it does share many of the same mechanics. In fact, some of the best aspects of the original game are being retained for Reforger.

If you’re looking for an early access game, Arma Reforger is out now on PC and Xbox Series X. You can get it through Steam, as well as Game Preview through Microsoft’s Store for Xbox One for $29.99. You’ll find the Xbox One version of Arma Reforger here. If you’re an Xbox owner, you can get a free trial of the PC version of the game.

While Reforger isn’t a grand sequel to Arma 3, it shows a promising new era for the franchise. The game is focused on user-created content and multiplayer. Game modes include Conflict and Game Master. In Conflict, players team up with other players to complete missions and capture strategic positions.

In Game Master, players can choose between two teams: the American or the Soviets. The American and Soviet factions each have era-authentic weapons and vehicles, while the smaller independent force has unique clothing and weapons.

The Arma series has been going from strength to strength and has now been released on PC and Xbox. Reforger is the first work-in-progress title in the series and serves as the advance force for the next game in the series, Arma 4. Its unique gameplay, design, and infrastructure are in line with those of other triple-A shooters currently available in the market.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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