Minecraft Dungeons Update Brings Luminous Night

Luminous Night

If you’re an avid fan of Minecraft Dungeons, the Luminous Night update should be on your list of things to download. The latest Minecraft Dungeons update brings various skins, emotes, flairs, pets, and other quality of life features.

Not only that, but it also introduce the new storage chest and the ability to store items. It is expected to arrive on 20 April.

The Luminous Night update introduces Luminous Night the second seasonal adventure to the game. Luminous Night is filled with mysterious murals, perplexing puzzles, and fiery enemies.

The update also introduces new items and rewards like bioluminescent delight, thematic skins, and emotes. Those who manage to complete the new quests will also get access to the Ministersity pets, an improved user interface, and more.

The Luminous Night update also brings many other quality of life features to the game, including a storage chest that can be used for storage. These chests will be particularly useful for balancing inventory.

In addition to this, Luminous Night also introduces several new achievements. Listed below are some of the new features you can expect to see in the game. For more details, head over to the official website.

New storage chests have been added to the central hub of the game. They are useful and can store an additional 300 items. The storage chests are also useful for storing rewards in the game.

Cloud saves allow you to transfer items between devices if you have a storage chest and an account with the same game. For further details, read the official Minecraft Dungeons FAQ.

Minecraft Dungeons Update Luminous Night Patch Notes

The Tower:

Explore the Tower as you’ve never seen it before, with floors that feature new biomes, perplexing puzzles, and the Wildfire – an old fan favorite that is making a triumphant return to the Minecraft universe.

  • Adventure Points are now rewarded after clearing each floor of the Tower, even if the Tower run is failed. Clearing the Tower grants maximum points!
  • When a floor has been cleared of all mobs, there is now a popup notification to indicate the floor is now clear
  • The waypoint to the exit now only appears when the floor has been cleared
Seasonal Adventure Rewards and Progression:

Luminous Night features plenty of radiant rewards that will light up your surroundings with bioluminescent delight! These include the dreadfully adorable Ministrosity and Abomination pets, but also plenty of shiny emotes, skins, capes, and flairs.

  • The active season can be changed in the Adventure Hub so you can still earn rank and rewards from Season 1. Setting the season in the Adventure Hub will make all Adventure Points go toward ranking up in the selected season!
  • New and exciting weekly challenges have been added to the rotation, with many adjustments to pacing made directly from community feedback
  • A popup message now appears during gameplay to let you know when weekly challenges have been completed
  • Many reworks to the Adventure Hub for better readability and navigation
Storage Chest:
  • The Storage Chest has been added to The Camp, allowing you to store an additional 300 items per character
  • Contents in the Storage Chest can be transferred between platforms, along with other character data, using Cloud Saves
New Achievements:
  • With this release, you’ll discover and unlock 10 new achievements during your adventures!

Changes and Fixes:


  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay

The Tower

  • Fire-resistant mobs can no longer fall into lava on certain Tower floors
  • The Uniquesmith now upgrades the power level of a selected item to match the player’s strongest piece of gear
  • Fixed multiple exploits surrounding bosses and obtaining overpowered gear in the Tower
  • Fixed missing sounds when bosses spawn in the Tower
  • Added missing sounds to the Tower Keeper on the Tower Failed screen
  • Fixed some Tower doors that could be opened twice, blocking progression through the Tower

Weekly Challenges

  • Mobs killed by Thorns armor enchantment now count towards the ‘Defeat X Mobs’ weekly challenge
  • Mobs killed by the Shock Web ranged enchantment trap effect now count towards the “Defeat X Ancient Mobs” weekly challenge
  • Mobs killed by Electrified armor enchantment now count towards the “Defeat X Ancient Mobs” weekly challenge


  • Fixed Luck of the Sea enchantment incorrectly labelling Common items as Unique
  • Updated Unchanting’s description to “Deal more damage to enchanted enemies”, so it encompasses both melee and ranged
  • Shadow Shifter is now properly affected by cooldown-reducing enchantments and effects
  • Beast Surge upgrade tiers now show “pet boost”, as the enchantment affects pet attack and movement speed


  • If an Ancient Hunt begins with Spider Cave, the player no longer loads into the mission already surrounded by enemies
  • Fixed an area in Fiery Forge that players could get stuck in after dying
  • Fixed falling tiles on End Wilds to now fall properly when an arena is triggered
  • Fixed doors in Overgrown Temple that led to nowhere
  • Fixed an area in The Stronghold that players could fall out of
  • Fixed the Fiery Forge ambush gate’s forcefield remaining visible after the gate is opened
  • Removed a pesky invisible barrier in Highblock Halls
  • Fixed players not being able to pass through a gate in Pumpkin Pastures in online multiplayer
  • Fixed an area on Windswept Peaks that allowed players to walk through walls
  • Fixed a gate on Broken Citadel not appearing for clients during online multiplayer sessions
  • Fixed redstone cores on Fiery Forge lacking button prompts when interacting with a controller
  • Fixed an invisible barrier that blocked TNT in the spider den area of Creeper Woods
  • Players can no longer get stuck in a puzzle cube on Gale Sanctum
  • Quadrupled Minecart damage to players in response to community feedback


  • Daggers, Scythes, and their respective Unique variants have been added as potential gear drops in Lone Fortress on Adventure difficulty
  • Melons now heal 75% over 15 seconds
  • Bosses can no longer be instantly defeated with Scatter Mines


  • Spiders, Witches, and Frozen Zombies can no longer shoot projectiles after being defeated
  • Skeleton Vanguards now have more enchantment options
  • Raid Captains are now immune to wind
  • Solemn Giant now wears a helmet

Jungle Abomination

  • The Jungle Abomination arena in Overgrown Temple is now smaller
  • Chase speed has been increased to 1.4
  • Added a new 360-degree poison attack
  • Damage multiplier for poison darts has been increased to 1.35
  • Poison 360-degree attack cooldown has been reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Added combined attack, which summons vines and fires 360-degree darts at the same time
  • Created new projectile and poison effect for the Jungle Abomination’s attack
  • Added Poison (5s) to the Jungle Abomination’s melee attack
  • Added poison resistance to the Jungle Abomination

Wretched Wraith

  • Wretched Wraith Health Increased from 9,000 to 11,000
  • Wretched Wraith incoming ranged damage reduced from 0.7 to 0.6
  • Wretched Wraith is now affected by the Smiting enchantment

User Interface

  • If you’re playing in South Korea, we added gameplay timers and notices in compliance with gaming laws to help remind players to take occasional breaks from gameplay
  • “Damage Dealt” and “Damage Done” values in post-mission screen can no longer appear as negative values
  • The threat level slider on the mission select screen now defaults to the recommended level
  • TNT and auras from the player armor are no longer visible while in merchant menus
  • Emote previews now appear properly after Battlestaff and Rapier were equipped
  • Characters no longer stand still after Battlestaff and Rapier were equipped
  • Fixed the progress bar stretching when teleporting to another player
  • The Ancient Hunt screen now longer shows merchants in the background, after visiting them
  • Fixed missing lines on the mission select screen that connect secret missions to their unlock missions
  • Guests in local co-op sessions can now properly see skins selections when joining an in-game session
  • The “Settings changes detected” message now appears properly in Controller area of Settings
  • Players are no longer pulled out of the pause screen if their controller disconnects
  • Fixed directional input becoming unresponsive after disconnecting and reconnecting controllers on merchant screens when playing on Xbox
  • “View Controls” and “Customize Controls” menu options now navigate to the proper screens depending on what input method is currently being used
  • Fixed navigation of the cosmetics menu with a controller causing the character to stutter
  • Fixed objective text not disappearing fully after progressing to a new Tower floor
  • Eye of Ender doors now have button prompts when interacting with a controller

Known Issues:

The following are issues that the development team is aware of and will be working to resolve in upcoming updates:

  • A crash may occur when alternating between Adventure Hub pages using controller trigger buttons
  • ‘Weekly challenge complete’ toast notifications are not localized for all supported languages
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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