Unturned Crafting Recipes in Arid Map (2022)


One of the most essential skills in Unturned is crafting. You can find crafting recipes in the support tree and use them to create useful items. Generally, crafting recipes require higher levels than the player’s level, but if you’re just starting out, you can use simple recipes to create useful items.

The Arid Map is one of the largest maps available in the Unturned game. You’ll find many crafting recipes in the Arid map. Below are some of the most important ones. Below, we have created a huge list of Unturned Crafting Recipes in Arid Map.

Unturned Arid Map Crafting Recipes

In Unturned, crafting recipes are extremely important for the survival of your character. Crafting is an important part of the game, and without crafting recipes, you’ll quickly run out of resources. You’ll need to gather as much as you can to survive.


  • Toolbox + 1 BREN autocannon receiver + 1 BREN autocannon loading assembly + 1 BREN autocannon barrel + 10 low tier gun parts = 1 BREN autocannon
  • Toolbox + 1 T22-A + 3 empty ammo pouch + 6 low tier gun parts + 2 gummed tape = 1 T22 autocannon
  • Toolbox + 1 RPG breech + 1 RPG barrel + 1 RPG trigger assembly + 1 RPG scope +1 illegal gun parts = 1 RPG
  • 1 honey bee proto + 1 illegal gun parts = 1 honey bee A
  • 1 M22 + 1 illegal gun parts = 1 M22-A
  • 1 T22 + 1 illegal gun parts = 1 T22-A

Ammo boxes

  • Reloading tools + 1 1/4 gunpowder + 1 copper wire + 1 metal bar = 1 target ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 2 1/4 gunpowder + 3 copper wire + 1 metal bar = 1 intermediate ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 1 1/4 gunpowder + 2 copper wire + 1 metal bar = 1 pistol ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 2 1/4 gunpowder + 3 copper wire + 1 metal bar = 1 magnum ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 4 1/4 gunpowder + 1 iridium traces + 3 metal bar = 1 hypervelocity ammo
  • Reloading tools + 4 1/4 gunpowder + 1 copper coil + 1 metal bar = 1 subsonic ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 2 1/4 gunpowder + 5 copper wire + 2 metal bar + 1 kerosene = 1 tracer ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 10 gunpowder + 2 metal bar + 1 copper coil = 1 Anti-materiel ammo box
  • Reloading tools + 7 1/4 gunpowder + 2 explosive compound + 3 metal bar = 1 FRAG ammo box


  • Reloading tools + 3 iridium traces + 12 plastic fragments + 1 copper coil = 2 railgun box
  • Reloading tools + 4 1/4 gunpowder + 4 copper wire + 2 metal bar + 1 kerosene = 2 zolash magazine tracer
  • Reloading tools + 4 1/4 gunpowder + 4 copper wire + 2 metal bar + 1 kerosene = 2 AR magazine tracer
  • Reloading tools + 4 1/4 gunpowder + 2 metal bar + 1 explosive compound = 1 zolash magazine FRAG


  • Toolbox + 1 box of electronics + 4 copper wire + 1 plastic roll = 1 remote detonator
  • Toolbox + 1 broken NV googles + 1 photocathodes + 1 photomultiplier tubes + 1 white fuse + 2 electronics = 1 NV googles
  • Toolbox + 1 broken saw + 1 saw blade + 1 motor oil + 1 saw chain + 1 white fuse = 1 rescue saw
  • Toolbox + 1 axe + 1 iridium bar + 2 metal bar = 1 iridium axe
  • Toolbox + 1 entrenching tool + 1 shovel + 1 iridium bar = 1 iridium spade
  • Toolbox + 1 pickaxe + 1 iridium bar + 2 metal bar = 1 iridium pickaxe
  • Toolbox + 1 iridium axe + 1 iridium sledge + 2 iridium bar = 1 iridium battleaxe
  • Toolbox + 1 sledge + 1 iridium bar + 2 metal bar = 1 iridium sledge
  • Blowtorch + 1 broken pickaxe + 3 metal bar + 2 plank = 1 pickaxe
  • Hammer + 2 metal bar + 2 plastic fragments + 1 gummed tape = 1 gas canister
  • Hammer + 1 gas canister + 5 plastic fragments + 1 gummed tape = 1 plastic gas canister
  • Hammer + 5 plastic gas canister + 5 gummed tape = 1 industrial gas canister


MGL rubber projectiles

  • Rewire kit + 7 explosive compound + 1 blasting cap + 4 electronics + 4 plastic fragments + 4 copper wire = 1 demolition charge
  • Reloading tools + 1 demolition charge + 2 electronics + 1 gummed tape = 1 breaching charge• 8 demolition charge + 1 gummed tape = 1 large demolition charge
  • 7 stick grenade = 1 stick grenade bomb
  • Rewire kit + 7 explosive compound + 6 gunpowder + 1 blasting cap + 3 metal bar = 1 RPG warhead
  • Rewire kit + 3 explosive compound + 4 gunpowder + 4 metal bar = 1 MGL HE grenades
  • Rewire kit + 1 plastic roll + 1 gunpowder + 2 metal bar = 1 MGL rubber projectiles
  • Rewire kit+ 1 explosive compound +2 blasting cap + 2 1/4 gunpowder + 2 metal bar = 2 thermobaric grenade
  • 2 fertilizer + 1 oil canister + 3 metal fragments + 3 cloth fragments = 2 homemade explosive
  • 1 homemade explosives + 1 blasting cap + 3 electronics + 4 copper wire = 1 homemade charge
  • 2 gunpowder + 2 oil canister + 2 kerosene = 1 explosive compound
  • 2 sulfur crystal + 2 charcoal + 1 saltpeter = 2 gunpowder


  • Toolbox + 1 homemade explosives + 2 air filter cover + 2 electronics + 2 metal bar = 2 air filter mine
  • Toolbox + 1 plastic crate + 1 homemade charge + 4 copper wire = 1 trapped plastic crate
  • Toolbox + 1 trapped plastic crate + 4 copper coil + 4 electronics = 1 proximity trapped plastic crate
  • Toolbox + 1 wooden crate + 1 homemade charge + 4 copper wire = 1 trapped wooden crate
  • Toolbox + 1 trapped wooden crate + 4 copper coil + 4 electronics = 1 proximity trapped wooden crate


  • Knife + lobster = 4 raw meat
  • Knife + catfish = 3 raw meat
  • Knife + yello/greenfish = 2 raw meat
  • Knife + humongous = 12 raw meat
  • Knife + fishy = 1 raw meat
  • Knife + crab = 3 raw meat
  • 5 empty jar + 3 tomato = 5 jarred tomatoes
  • 1 tea package + 5 mug = 5 mug of tea

Healing Items

  • 2 cloth fragments = 1 rag
  • 3 rag = 1 bandage
  • 3 bandage + 1 antiseptic = 3 sterile bandage
  • 4 sterile bandage + 1 roll of cloth + 1 decoction = 4 dressing
  • 2 ¼ gunpowder + 5 syringe = 5 hyper adrenaline
  • 1 painkiller + 10 syringe = 10 morphine
  • 1 decoction + 4 empty syringe = 4 regeneration stim
  • 3 metal fragments = 1 splin
  • 3 clove = 1 antiseptic
  • 6 alum = 1 decoction

Structures – Glass

  • 5 glass pane=1 glass roof
  • 4 glass pane=1 triangular glass roof
  • 5 glass pane=1 glass wall

Structures – Wood

  • 1 wooden log = 1 wooden rampart
  • 1 wooden log = 1 wooden pillar
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden doorway
  • 7 wooden log = 1 wooden floor
  • 6 wooden log = 1 triangular wooden floor
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden garage
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden triangular hole
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden hole
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden ramp
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden roof
  • 2 wooden log = 1 triangular wooden roof
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden stairs
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden wall
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden ramp wall
  • 2 wooden log = 1 wooden window

Structures – Brick

  • 1 bricks = 1 brick rampart
  • 1 bricks = 1 brick pillar
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick doorway
  • 7 bricks = 1 brick floor
  • 6 bricks = 1 triangular brick floor
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick garage
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick hole
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick triangular hole
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick ramp
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick roof
  • 2 bricks = 1 triangular brick roof
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick stairs
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick wall
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick ramp wall
  • 2 bricks = 1 brick window

Structures – Metal

  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal doorway
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal floor
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 triangular metal floor
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal garage
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal hole
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal triangular hole
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal bar = 1 metal pillar
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal bar = 1 metal rampart
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal ramp
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal roof
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 triangular metal roof
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal stairs
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal wall
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal ramp wall
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal plate = 1 metal window

Structures – Adamantine

  • Blowtorch + 1 metal doorway + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine doorway
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal floor + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine floor
  • Blowtorch + 1 triangular metal floor + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 triangular adamantine floor
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal garage + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine garage
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal hole + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine hole
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal triangular hole + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine triangular hole
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal pillar + 1 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine pillar
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal rampart + adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine rampart
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal ramp + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine ramp
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal roof + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine roof
  • Blowtorch + 1 triangular metal roof + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 triangular adamantine roof
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal stairs + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine stairs
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal ramp wall + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine ramp wall
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal wall + 2 adamantine ingot = 1 adamantine wall
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal window + 2 adamantine ingo t= 1 adamantine window

Barricades – Miscellaneous

  • 2 rope = 1 rope ladder
  • 3 cloth fragments + 4 bricks = 1 sandbags
  • Knife + 2 plank = 1 wooden spikes

Barricades – Glass

  • 3 glass pane = 1 hardened glass
  • 3 glass pane = 1 one-way glass

Barricades – Wood

  • Saw + 4 plank + 2 metal parts = 1 wooden door
  • Saw + 6 plank + 2 metal parts = 1 wooden gate
  • Saw + 2 plank +1 metal parts = 1 wooden hatch
  • Saw + 5 plank = 1 wooden ladder
  • Saw + 4 plank = 1 wooden placard

Barricades – Metal

  • Blowtorch + 1 metal bar = 1 metal ladder
  • Blowtorch + 3 armor plating + 1 metal plate + 2 metal parts = 1 armored metal door
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal bar + 2 metal parts = 1 metal door
  • Blowtorch + 3 metal bar + metal parts = 1 metal gate
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal bar + 2 metal parts = 1 metal hatch
  • Blowtorch + 4 metal bar = 1 metal window bars

Barricades – Adamantine

  • Blowtorch + 1 armored metal door + 3 adamantine ingot = 1 armored adamantine door
  • Blowtorch + 2 adamantine ingot +1 metal gate = 1 adamantine gate
  • Blowtorch + 2 adamantine ingot + 2 metal parts = 1 adamantine hatch
  • Blowtorch + 4 adamantine ingot + 1 metal safe = 1 adamantine safe

Utility and Furniture

  • Toolbox + 1 gas canister + 1 metal plate + 1 box of electronics = 1 portable generator
  • Toolbox + 1 stack of metal plates + 1 military computer + 1 SSD + 2 CW keyer + 4 video receiver + 4 encrypted transmitter = 1 beacon of the horde
  • Toolbox + 2 metal plate + 1 CW keyer + 1 video receiver + 1 encrypted transmitter + 4 heavy duty cable = 1 distress beacon
  • Toolbox + 1 camera + 1 gummed tape + 1 box of electronics + 8 low tier gun parts + 1 metal plate + 1 copper coil = 1 makeshift sentry turret
  • Toolbox + 2 red circuit board + 1 military computer + 1 stack of armor plating + portable generator + 2 copper coil + 6 metal parts = 1 sentry turret
  • Hammer + 4 plank + 1 small/big fertilizer = 1 planter
  • Hammer + 1 lightbulb + 3 metal bar = 1 cage light
  • Hammer + 1 lightbulb + 1 metal bar + 1 roll of cloth + 2 copper wire = 1 lamp
  • Blowtorch + 5 metal bar + 2 copper coil + 3 electronics + 1 white fuse = 1 claim radiator
  • 1 campfire + 1 metal plate = 1 fire barrel
  • 4 wooden log + 1 matchbox = 1 campfire
  • 4 wooden log + 1 lighter = 1 campfire
  • 7 planter = 1 plot
  • 3 glass pane + 1 small fertilizer = 1 vase planter
  • 10 cloth fragments = 1 bedroll
  • 1 roll of cloth + 4 plastic fragments = 1 mannequin
  • 10 cloth fragments = 1 rug
  • Saw + 8 plank = 1 wooden chair
  • Saw + 1 pillow + 1 bedroll + 1 roll of cloth + 12 plank = 1 bed
  • Saw + 8 plank = 1 wooden counter
  • Saw + 7 plank = 1 wooden crate
  • Saw + 9 plank = wooden pallet
  • Saw + 11 plank = 1 wooden fence
  • Saw + 12 plank + 1 nails = 1 wooden shelf
  • Saw + 8 plank = 1 wooden table
  • Saw + 10 plank = 1 long wooden table
  • Blowtorch + 3 glass pane + 2 full bottled water + 1 metal bar = 1 aquarium
  • Blowtorch + 1 bedroll + 4 metal bar = 1 cot
  • Blowtorch + 4 metal bar + 2 metal parts = 1 metal crate
  • Blowtorch + 4 metal crate + 5 metal bar = 1 industrial metal box
  • Blowtorch + 3 glass pane + 2 metal bar = 1 display case
  • Blowtorch + 3 metal bar + 1 bolts = 1 metal shelf
  • Blowtorch + 2 armor plating + 2 metal plate + 3 metal parts = 1 metal safe
  • Blowtorch + 3 glass pane + 2 metal bar = 1 wall display case
  • Blowtorch + 2 metal bar + 1 metal parts = 1 wall rack
  • Blowtorch + 5 plank + 1 metal parts = 1 wooden wall rack
  • Hammer + 4 wooden crate + 6 plank = 1 industrial wooden box
  • Hammer + 7 plastic fragments = 1 dino statue


  • Toolbox + 1 tank cartridge case = 2 gunpowder + 1 blasting cap + 6 metal fragments
  • Toolbox + 1 tank projectile = 3 explosive compound + 4 metal fragments
  • Toolbox + 1 tank shell = 1 tank projectile + 1 tank cartridge case
  • Toolbox + 1 mine shell = 3 metal fragments + 1 gunpowder + 2 explosive compound
  • Toolbox + 1 artillery shell case = 3 metal fragments + 2 ¼ gunpowder
  • Toolbox + 1 HE mortar round = 1 explosive compound + 2 gunpowder + 2 metal fragments
  • Toolbox + 1 AP shell = 3 metal fragments + 1 gunpowder + 2 iridium traces
  • Toolbox + 1 incendiary mortar round = 1 firewater + 1 gunpowder + 2 metal fragments
  • Toolbox + 1 dummy ammo belt = 1 metal fragments + 1 plastic fragments + 1 ¼ gunpowder
  • Toolbox + 1 ammo belt = 2 metal fragments + 1 ¼ gunpowder
  • Toolbox + 1 AP ammo belt = 1 metal fragments + 1 iridium traces + 1 ¼ gunpowder
  • Toolbox + 1 HE ammo belt = 1 metal fragments + 1 explosive compound + 1 ¼ gunpowder
  • Toolbox + 1 glass fragments = 1 syringe
  • Toolbox + 2 charcoal + 3 steel mesh + 4 plastic fragments = 1 filter
  • Toolbox + 1 filter + 3 HQ fabric + 2 lens = 1 gasmask
  • Toolbox + 3 metal fragments = 1 metal parts
  • 1 glass fragments + 1 metal fragments + Heat = 1 empty jar
  • Saw + 1 trunk = 6 wooden log
  • Saw + 1 wooden log = 3 plank
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal plate = 3 metal bar
  • Blowtorch + 1 metal bar = 5 metal fragments
  • Blowtorch + 1 glass pane = 3 glass fragments
  • Blowtorch + 1 glass cube = 3 glass pane
  • Blowtorch + 1 copper coil = 6 copper wire
  • Blowtorch + 1 car engine = 12 metal parts
  • Blowtorch + 1 anvil = 7 metal bar
  • Blowtorch + 1 battery acid + 2 copper wire + 1 metal bar = 1 car battery

That’s all the Unturned Crafting Recipes in Arid Map. The creators of this map are Renaxon Maziarz, Danaby2, Rolling Chair, and Magical Burrito. The creators of the Arid map also list Staswalle as a collaborator. This map features items, pages, and other assets related to Arid.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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