What is Anvil in Minecraft, How to Make or Craft It?

This Minecraft guide explains how to make or craft anvil in minecraft.

Anvils in Minecraft

Minecraft is all about blocks, everything you do in the game is co-related with the blocks. That’s why, Minecraft features a huge list of Blocks that are used in the game for various purposes such as crafting items, repairing items, rename items, and combining enchantments, etc. One such block in the Minecraft game is Anvil.

Anvil is one of the many blocks in Minecraft that allows players to repair, rename items, and combine enchantments on them. In fact, learning how to enchant items in Minecraft will make your gameplay experience more enjoyable. You can also use Anvil in Minecraft to rename your tools. So, how would you get or craft an Anvil block in Minecraft? Simply check out the post below to get your answer.

How to Get Anvil in Minecraft?

You can get an Anvil block in Minecraft using three different ways listed below.

  • Breaking

The first way to get an Anvil is by mining it by using any pickaxe.

  • Crafting

The second way you can use to get an Anvil in Minecraft is by Crafting it.

  • Or by Natural generation

The third way you can get it by Natural generation where a damaged anvil generates in the “Forge room” of the woodland mansion.

Ingredients to Make or Craft an Anvil in Minecraft?

To craft an Anvil in Minecraft you will need:

  • 3 iron blocks (which includes 3 blocks of 9×3 = 27 iron ingots)
  • 4 iron ingots

Now, in order to craft an Anvil, you will need a total of 31 iron ingots (including 27 for three blocks of iron). Notably, Iron ingots are versatile metal ingots used extensively in crafting. An Iron Ingot can be found in chest loot, crafting, Smelting, Compound creation, or mob loot.

How to Make or Craft an Anvil in Minecraft

To craft an Anvil, simply place open the crafting table and place three iron blocks in the first three 3×3 grids of the first row. Now, place one iron ingot in the center of the 3×3 grid and then place the remaining three iron ingots in the last row as shown in the image below.

anvilThat’s it, this is how you can make an Anvil in Minecraft.

Check out other Minecraft guides.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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