The download time for the latest New World Update 1.5.3 is set to begin at 11:00PM PT (6:00AM UTC) on June 14, which is the same time as the beginning of a new PvP season. Added to that, there are some PvP rewards changes for the PvP faction missions. These rewards will be more aligned with the rewards of Outpost Rush and Arenas.
This will ensure that players can focus on their favorite PvP activities instead of wasting time in quests and out of sync with PvP events. The New World Team Update also discusses some PvP-related fixes.
New World Update 1.5.3 Patch Notes
Check out the New World Update 1.5.3 Patch Notes below.
Adjusted PvP faction mission rewards to better align with other activities like Arenas and Outpost Rush. Players can now focus on their favorite PvP activities with less concern over whether their time would be better spent doing one specific activity to optimize rewards.
Players will now earn 200 Salt and 350 PvP XP from each PvP faction mission. These missions previously rewarded 300 Salt and 500 PvP XP.
Great Cleave ‘Retrieve’ & ‘Control Point’ missions now offer less Salt (100) and PvP XP (200) because they take less time to complete than other missions. Players can now accept a wider variety of quests to reap the same rewards within a similar time commitment.
Fixed the emissive texture on the Brimstone Fire Staff’s molten orb.