Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Expansion Pass DLC Contents and Release Timing Detailed

Expansion Pass

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is getting an expansion pass to give players even more content. The developer revealed that there will be four waves of DLC for Xenoblade Chronicles 3: The first wave will add new items, costumes, and quests to the game. The second and the third wave will bring a challenge battle mode and a new hero. The fourth wave will add new challenges and story DLC.

As with most new games, Nintendo has decided to include expansions and future-paid DLC in their game releases. Although Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has yet to launch, the developers have not waited to announce expansions.

While some fans will probably be fine with this practice, some will be disappointed, claiming that it shows greed. The developers are not exactly displaying the best image of themselves if they decide to announce a new Expansion Pass before its release date. However, the game does have some great things coming.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Expansion Pass and DLC Release Timing and Contents

The Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC will feature a new hero chracter, additional quests, and outfits for each character. Details of each wave of DLC can be found below.

The planned release timing and details for what each wave of DLC includes are as follows:

DLC Wave 1

Release date: 7/29/2022

This wave of DLC contains the following content:

  • A collection of helpful items
  • Color variations for existing outfits

DLC Wave 2

Release date: by 12/31/2022

This wave of DLC contains the following content:

  • Challenge Battle mode against difficult enemies
  • A new hero character and accompanying quests
  • New character outfits

DLC Wave 3

Release date: by 4/30/2023

This wave of DLC contains the following content:

  • Challenge Battle mode against difficult enemies
  • A new hero character and accompanying quests
  • New character outfits

DLC Wave 4

Release date: by 12/31/2023

This wave of DLC contains the following content:

  • New original story scenario

Stay tuned for additional details regarding individual DLC waves.

Additionally, the Expansion Pass will include all of the game’s DLC, including the main characters and new battle systems. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will be available exclusively for Nintendo Switch on July 29th.

Also, catch here all our other gaming news and gaming guides.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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