Fix LEGO The Skywalker Saga Split Screen Issue When Using Controller

LEGO The Skywalker Saga

It appears that a lot of LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga players are experiencing some Split Screen issue when playing the game using a controller. Now, this issue has affected so many players so they are looking for some quick solutions for the issue. In, this post we will go through different methods to fix the LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga split screen issue.

To resolve the split screen issue, you should connect your controller first. Then, unplug any other controllers. Once you’ve checked the boxes, you can launch the game. You’ll find the Controller configuration options in the settings menu. If the problem persists, follow these steps:

Connect Controller After Launching the Game

If you’re having problems connecting your controller to LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you’re not alone. Many gamers have experienced this problem, and there are ways to resolve it. Below are the steps you should take to ensure your controller works with the game.

If you have a split screen issue while playing LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, this article will show you how to fix it. The first method you can try to fix the issue is go and disconnect your controller from your PC. After disconnecting your controller, go and relaunch the game from Steam and after the game launches then connect the controller again. This method has worked for so many player so it should work for you as well.

Also Read: How to Swap Characters in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

You should make sure that your controller supports the game’s driver version. If not, you can try downloading IObit Driver Booster, which will automatically download the correct controller driver.

During the installation process, make sure that you’ve connected your controller. Make sure that the game has correctly recognized your controller. If the game doesn’t automatically detect your controller, connect it manually and wait a few minutes.

Disconnect Additional Controllers

If the first method above doesn’t works for then you can go an try to disconnect any additional controllers or USB device. Go and disconnect any additional controller, joystick/yoke/wheel/pedals/etc. from your PC and then relaunch the game and see if this fixes the issue.

Launch Steam in Big Picture Mode

To fix the split screen issue while playing LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga you can also try to launch the game in big picture mode. This methods also worked many player fixing the issue. So, you should and try this method too.

To start playing LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga in big picture mode, you must first disconnect your external controllers. These may include a joystick, yoke, wheel, or pedals. Once you have disconnected them, launch the game by clicking on its icon in the Steam Library.

To enable Big Picture Mode on Steam:

  • Open Steam.
  • Click on the Big Picture Mode icon at the top right corner of the screen, click on it.
  • Now, when on the big picture mode click on Library then click on the game to launch it.

Now, play the game in big picture mode and see if this fixes the issue.

Set Configuration Support for the Controller You are Using

In order to fix the split screen issue when using controller, you can also try to set configuration support for the controller you are using, for this.

  • On Steam click on the Steam then click on Settings
  • Go to controller tab
  • Go to General Controller Settings
  • Now, if you are using PlayStation controller then put a check on the box which say PlayStation configuration support.
  • If you are using Xbox controller then put a check on the Xbox controller support, that’s it.


Check Hide Controller Option in the Ds4windows

If you are using the DS4Windows tool to connect your PS4 or PS5 controller to your PC then you can try to hide the controller option the DS4Windows settings.

  • Open DS4Windows on your PC and go to settings
  • Now, here put a check on the option which says Hide DS4 Controller


Restart PC and Then Relaunch the Game

If you are still facing the LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga split screen issue when using controller. Then you can also try restart your PC and the relaunch the game. Restarting your PC most of the times fixes most common gameplay related issues. So, go and try to restart your PC first and then relaunch the game connecting your controller and see if this fixes the issue.

These are all the possible steps which you can take in order to fix the LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga split screen issue when using controller on your PC.

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