If you have invested in real estate and want to make sure that you are making as much money as possible from your property you have to have it rented out all the time. This means that there should be downtime between rentals that is as short as possible. Getting the property ready for the next tenant is very important.
You’ll need to have a plan to make sure that you can reduce the time that the property is vacant by getting it ready as quickly as possible. When you have a system in place then when one tenant moves out you can quickly get to work so it is rented out as soon as possible. In this article, we will go over what it takes to get your property ready.
1 – Have it deep cleaned
Everybody knows that the property has to be cleaned before somebody else can move in. However, not everybody knows how to do a proper deep clean to make it look like it has never been lived in. Move in cleaning has to be much more involved than simply tidying up for the new tenants.
This means that you have to have the carpets deep cleaned with a steam cleaner to properly get it good as new. Hiring a professional is the best idea since they have the tools and expertise to be able to do the job better than the average person.
They will be able to clean all the upholstery and curtains in a way that gets rid of any potential mold or dust mites that cause allergies. Any damage caused by the previous tenants can usually be removed by a good cleaning company, especially ones that have experience with cleaning up after a disaster such as a fire or a flood.
2 – Upgrade the appliances
Old appliances will be something that can cost you a lot in the long run. Since repairs are the responsibility of the landlord, you will spend money getting them fixed often. Instead, have new appliances for when the new tenants arrive so they will have reliable ways to cook and clean.
You will also have a warranty so if there are repairs necessary then you won’t be paying for them out of your pocket. They will also be energy efficient so if you are paying for the utilities it will save you money there as well.
3 – Get low-flow fixtures
Saving water is going to be very important for you over the course of the lease. This means that getting fixtures such as faucets and showerheads that are low flow will be the best idea. They save up to half as much water and still maintain decent water pressure.
Since it is the responsibility of the landlord to pay for water in most states, you should do this as soon as possible to save money and also lower your carbon footprint all around.