All Infinity Nikki Firework Locations & Whim Balloon Locations Guide

Firework Locations

Whim Balloons are collectible items exclusive to Firework Isles in Infinity Nikki. These balloons play a crucial role in unlocking outfits and upgrading Nikki’s abilities. In this guide, we’ll show you the locations of all accessible Whim Balloons in Firework Isles, help you complete your collection, and provide tips on how to gather them efficiently. Let’s get started and ensure you don’t miss a single one!

How Many Whim Balloons Are There in Infinity Nikki?

As of Version 1.2, there are a total of 56 Whim Balloons scattered across the Firework Isles. However, only 46 are currently accessible, with the remaining 10 potentially tied to future updates or event quests. You only need 32 Whim Balloons to unlock all the event rewards, so get ready to start your collection!

Firework Isles: All Whim Balloon Locations

1. Curio Domain – Sizzle & Spark Center

  • The first Whim Balloon is found inside the Curio Domain near the Sizzle & Spark Center.
  • To solve the domain:
    1. Lower the water.
    2. Rearrange the boxes.
    3. Raise the water.
    4. Jump across to collect the balloon.
  • Exit the domain and head northwest for the second balloon.

2. Northwest Pathway

  • Run northwest from the Curio Domain to find the second Whim Balloon.
  • Continue north to the dock, where you’ll spot a Whim Fin. Catch it to get the third balloon.

3. Hot Air Balloon Time Trial

  • Head east to the hot air balloons.
  • Start the balloon collection time trial in the basket. Ride the cloud, jumping on and off, to collect all balloons for the fourth Whim Balloon.
  • Glide south from the top of the hot air balloon to grab the fifth balloon.

4. Sizzle & Spark Center Tent

  • Return to the Sizzle & Spark Center and climb onto the tent awnings.
  • Work your way to the top to find the sixth Whim Balloon.

Relic Isles: Whim Balloon Locations

5. Broken Stone Bridges

  • Travel southeast to the Relic Isles. Jump across the broken stone bridges to find the seventh Whim Balloon in the ruins.
  • From there, head north along the sandbar, jumping across stone pillars to reach the eighth balloon inside a ruined building.

6. Stone Pillars and Ruins

  • Continue counterclockwise along the path. Platform across the broken stone platforms to a tilted round platform for the ninth balloon.
  • Move west to another set of stone pillars. Catch the tenth balloon by chasing a Seatrait.

7. Crescent Shoal Warp Spire

  • Teleport or jump across pillars to the Crescent Shoal Warp Spire area. From here:
    1. Jump east to a broken stone structure for the 12th balloon.
    2. Go west along the beach and open a Nestling Treasure Chest to collect the 13th balloon.

8. Big Tree and Second Curio Domain

  • Head north to the big tree. Jump up the stone structure on the right and catch the Whim Flutter for the 14th balloon.
  • Travel northwest to another Curio Domain. Solve the puzzle to collect the 15th balloon:
    1. Lower the water level.
    2. Jump across and move the second crate onto the yellow stone platform.
    3. Use the crates to block lasers and reach the balloon.

Fireworks Peak: Whim Balloon Locations

9. Gliding and Sky Monarch Nest

  • Glide northwest from Fireworks Peak to grab the 25th balloon.
  • Continue gliding south to the Sky Monarch’s nest. Wait for it to return, groom it, and ride it to the 27th balloon.

10. Curio Domain and Ruins

  • At the next Curio Domain:
    1. Roll two balls into their slots simultaneously.
    2. Tilt the platform carefully to collect the 28th balloon.
  • Head northeast to a cave with a broken wall. Roll boulders to break the wall and collect the 29th balloon.

11. Balloon Time Trial and Stone Pillars

  • Start the time trial near Fireworks Peak. Complete it to get the 30th balloon.
  • Jump down the cliffs south and defeat Nestlings. Catch the Whim Flutter for the 32nd balloon.

Song Breeze Highlands: Whim Balloon Locations

12. Caverns and Treasure Hunts

  • Teleport to Song Breeze Highland Hillside and float west to open a Treasure Chest. Defeat enemies to grab the 34th balloon.
  • Enter Behind the Mountain Cavern to retrieve the 36th balloon.

13. Coastal Areas and Final Locations

  • From the foothills warp spire, run southwest and use the leaf trampoline to catch a Whim Flutter for the 40th balloon.
  • Continue south along the shore to find the 44th balloon at a fishing spot.

14. Waterfall Cavern

  • Finally, teleport back to the Sizzle & Spark Center.
  • Run north to the Waterfall Cavern and make your way through to claim the 46th balloon.

Future Updates

Currently, only 46 Whim Balloons are accessible. The remaining 10 may be tied to future event quests. Stay tuned for updates as new content becomes available.


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Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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