Negative Effects of Texting on Student Writing Skills

Effects of Texting

If you ask older people or professors what they think about texting and studying, the reaction will be strongly negative, mostly because older people, in general, are not very fond of students using their gadgets from morning tonight. If you ask most of the students the same question, the chances are they will not even understand what you are talking about. Texting is texting and writing is writing.

Finally, there is hardly one student in the United States or the UK not texting at least 4 hours a day. However, it is good to have some fresh view on the problem, the view based on some logical reasoning, not just on some negative perception of gadgets. So, let’s get straight to business.

How Texting Kills Your Writing

When someone thinks for you forget how to think for yourself. The concept of the perceived helplessness is a very commonly discussed concept these days. With the development of gadgets, we rely on technology more and more, even in questions which were previously only ours to deal with personally.

For example, someone can claim that constant texting makes you much more professional and fluent in writing, as you practice a lot. But it is more than the wrong concept, as, first of all, you don’t discuss very complex topics using challenging vocabulary when texting with friends, second, your phone thinks for you can change words with mistakes to words without mistakes. You don’t learn how to write correctly this way, you just text.

Constant texting decreases your attention span and it is much harder for you to concentrate on truly important tasks. When you are involved in constant texting, communication, where you get, pokes all the time, your brain overheats. Even if the topics you discuss are not tiring, not challenging, not even too exciting, you still need to answer, get involved, turn on your attention system. No wonder that beyond texting you become less concentrated, more forgetful and even more irritated.

Texting eats your time and you can’t stop it easily. In the modern world, you are supposed to be involved in communication online, otherwise, basically, you don’t exist. You have friends, and you have social media friends, there are also comments, threads to answer to and lots of quarrels over useless topics which still make you interested and occupied. We bet, there were times when you felt physically tired after texting for several hours. It is only natural, because, though, you don’t do anything too active your brain is on fire.

You text while resting, and your brain is not resting enough to be efficient when writing. Imagine, you have time to rest. A weekend, two hours, evening without assignments, etc. How will you spend it? Most probably with your gadgets, browsing through web pages, getting into discussions, talking with people, etc. You will be staring at your screens and texting. When resting time is over, you won’t feel rested at all. If you don’t get enough rest, you can’t work, write productively.

To reduce the negative effect of Texting do as follows:

  • Install applications which control your time online. Don’t even try to change something from the very beginning, just keep an eye on statistics. Gradually you will textless when you see some scary numbers.
  • If you have several hours to rest, plan at least an hour rest without any gadgets. Turn your phone off and put it aside, sleep, read a book, go for a walk, but don’t touch your phone, don’t text anyone.
  • Make a revision of your social contacts and communicate only with those who truly matter.
  • Entrust your academic assignment to professional essay writing services designed to help students with their papers online.

Good luck this semester and try to text less and write more!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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