Ghost Recon Breakpoint Open Beta Starts September 26, 2019 with 4v4 PVP Mode, Five Main Missions and More

Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is heading your way and if you haven’t yet prepared then get ready to dive into the massive open world and the mysterious island of Auroa. The Ghost Recon Breakpoint open beta will start on September 26 and will run until September 29. The Ghost Recon Breakpoint open beta will let you explore the Auroa archipelago as a single-player Led by Lt. Col. Cole D. Walker (played by actor Jon Bernthal) or in four-player co-op mode.

The Ghost Recon Breakpoint open beta will feature Auroa’s massive open-world including Smuggler Coves, Mount Hodgson, Sinking Country, Fen Bog, New Argyll, and Infinity five main missions, as well as a number of side missions and daily Faction Missions.

The Ghost Recon Breakpoint open beta will also feature 4v4 PVP mode where you can take the challenge with other friends in Ghost War. The 4v4 PVP mode will include three maps, PMC Camp, Skell Port, and R&D Center. You can check out the full scheduled timing for the Ghost Recon Breakpoint open beta in different regions here.

How to Play Ghost Recon Breakpoint Open Beta

Ubisoft says, that, players can get guaranteed beta access by pre-ordering the Ghost Recon Breakpoint. In Addition, players who will pre-order the Gold, Ultimate, or Wolves Collector’s Editions of Ghost Recon Breakpoint can start playing the game on October 1, with three-day early access.

The Ghost Recon Breakpoint is already up for pre-order from the official Ubisoft store. Players can pre-order the game in order to avail the beta access and to get a chance to play the game before it launches.

You can also check out our previous post to get the full details about Ghost Recon Breakpoint Price, Pre-Order and Editions.

Ghost Recon Delta Company Community Program

Ubisoft has also announced a new community program called Ghost Recon Delta Company and it will be available worldwide in more than 10 languages and will offer special content and direct discussion with developers. Players can sign up for the community program here.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint will be out on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia on October 4.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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