The Elder Scrolls Blades Update 1.4 Patch Notes Adds 4 New Quests, Features, Buf Fixes and More

The Elder Scrolls Blades

A new 1.4 patch update for The Elder Scrolls Blades is now available to download and it brings new quest to celebrate the Witches Festival, Buf fixes and new features and improvements to the game. According to the latest update, The Elder Scrolls Blades 1.4 patch notes bring four new Quests to show off the player’s holiday spirit. This includes The Bloodfall Queen, The Missing Scroll, Facing the Dragon, and The Five Stones quest which will become available after completing each one of these main quests.

Further, The Elder Scrolls Blades update 1.4 patch notes brings new Features, Bug Fixes, and improvements to the weapons, armor, and items. One of the bugs fixed in this update was causing Saashi to have a quest marker above her head, and an entire spell overhaul. You can find other bug fixes listed below.

  • Enemies: Fixed a bug that prevented enemies from acting differently while Blinded by the Blind spell.
  • Perk: Fixed a bug that made the Combat Focus perk slightly less powerful than intended.
  • Potion: Fixed a bug that let players drink restorations potions to restore an attribute at maximum if that maximum had been reduced.

The latest Elder Scrolls Blades update 1.4 patch notes also changes the town Town from day to night to celebrate the Witches Festival. More details on the latest patch update can found on the sources given below.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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