Fortnite v11.40 Update Brings Sidegrading Heavy Assault Rifle and More

Fortnite v11.40

Today Epic Games released the latest v11.40 Battle Royale Update for its very popular battle royal game Fortnite. As its biggest highlight, the latest Fortnite v11.40 update brings back the Heavy Assault Rifle – Sidegrading. Players can now use Upgrade Machines to “Sidegrade” their Assault Rifle into a Heavy Assault Rifle In non-competitive playlists.

The v11.40 update further reduces material costs for upgrading weapons at Upgrade Machines. The update also adds the Flint-Knock Pistol, Shockwave Grenade and Impulse Grenade items to Battle Lab.

Sidegrading Heavy Assault Rifle

The latest Fortnite v11.40 update also brings good news for iPad Pro (2018) users which now supports the game at 120 FPS. The update also brings a number of bug fixes which you can find below.

Fortnite v11.40 Battle Royale Update Bug Fixes:

  • Players’ Star Wars Achievements have returned to the Legacy timeline.
  • Resolved an issue involving the “F” key not enabling proper movement after the direction was remapped to it.
  • Resolved an issue involving editing quickly causing players to remain in Edit mode.
  • Falling into a Hideout no longer causes the Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle’s crosshairs to disappear.
  • Resolved an issue involving the “Visit different bus stops in a single match” Remedy vs. Toxin Challenge not tracking progress for some bus stops.
  • The Spectrum Contrail again changes colors while in motion.
  • Continued to make improvements regarding FPS drops and hitching on mobile devices.
  • Resolved an issue involving mobile players getting stuck in a loop on the Select Fire Mode screen.
  • Resolved an issue involving console players being unable to progress through the gifting process if they did not have Two-Factor Authentication enabled.

You can also check out the official Fortnite v11.40 Battle Royale patch notes here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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