Rumor: Xbox One Controller Will Get Updates for Xbox Series X/S

Xbox One Controller

One of the features that most pleased Xbox fans when the details of the new generation consoles were confirmed was that they could continue to use their Xbox One controllers on the new consoles of Xbox Series X/S.

The controller of the current Microsoft system has become a standard in the gaming scene and the company has been the first to recognize it by guaranteeing its support for the Next-Gen consoles. A few months before the arrival of the new consoles of the brand there is important information about it.

According to information from Tom Warren, a reporter for The Verge, the Xbox One controllers will receive an update starting next year, which will provide them with a dynamic latency input, which will allow them to function properly on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

Being a new generation and with the possibilities that this entails, Microsoft would seek that players have the best quality in each section, hence this improvement for the Xbox One controller tries to keep it synchronized properly to the new consoles, in addition to reducing latency and lag.

So far, Microsoft has not confirmed that this will happen, but it is expected that this will be the case because although the compatibility of the Xbox One controllers is guaranteed for the new consoles, it is a fact that some adjustments will have to be made to make them respond against next-gen games optimally.

Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will debut on November 10.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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