Guilty Gear Strive Delayed to June 11, 2021


Guilty Gear Strive joins the list of games delayed this year. But the good news is: you only have to wait two months longer. The new date has already been set.

The next shift is here. This time it hit Guilty Gear Strive. The game will not be launched on April 9, 2021, for PS5, PS4, and PC (via Steam) as previously planned. Instead, Arc System Works is now aiming for a release on June 11, 2021. The additional waiting time is therefore limited.

The reason for the postponement of Guilty Gear Strive was also mentioned. The two months more development time should be used to make further improvements. They landed on the to-do list based on beta feedback.

“Since we have received valuable feedback after the recent open beta test, we would like to make the most of this opportunity to provide the best game possible. We need extra time to polish some aspects of the game, such as the online lobbies and the server’s stability,” it says in a statement on the postponement of Guilty Gear Strive.

Arc System Works believes it is best to use the extra time to improve the quality of the game and “provide a better experience to all our players.”

With Guilty Gear: Strive you can expect a restart of the long-lasting fighting game series. Arc System Works would like to break down the well-known gameplay into the essential components and use the expertise acquired in recent years to raise “Guilty Gear” to a new level. Even if changes are incorporated, the roots of the series should remain faithful.

One thing has been certain for some time if you buy the last-gen version of Guilty Gear Strive first, you can upgrade to the new-gen version at no extra cost thanks to a free upgrade.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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