Outriders have received a new update on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC. According to the latest patch notes, the update brings several fixes to the game. The latest Outriders patch notes also bring the various quality of life changes, tweaks, changes, crashes and bug fixes, to the game.
Outriders New Horizon Update Patch Notes – November 16, 2021
Headline Changes:
- Expedition Timers have been removed
- Four New Expeditions Added
- Transmog System Added
- Tiago’s Store has been Reworked
- Legendary Loot Drops and Farming Information and Changes
- Changes to Legendary Sets
- Changes to Mods + Bug Fixes
- Changes to Class Trees + Bug Fixes
- Changes to Skills + Bug Fixes
- The Stadia version can now also crossplay with all other platforms.
General Changes:
The video that plays when launching Outriders can now be skipped on all platforms apart from PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The Eye of the Storm now includes a pick-and-choose Legendary item reward.
Added a Quick Mark functionality to Vendors.
Improved the readability of Mod descriptions, especially when viewed on a large TV or Monitor. This change means that certain information is now viewed on the Details window rather than in the Quick View window.
Reduced the volume of background audio of certain menu and loading screens.
Added a minimum damage limit for the Brood Mother’s “Perforate” ability. This will ensure the ability does not have too large of a disparity in its min/max damage output.
Changed the Heir to the Desert configuration so that it now plays like an Assault Rifle (as intended and described) rather than a Submachine Gun.
Bug Fixes General:
Fixed a progress blocker in the “Mentor” main quest which would prevent a cutscene from triggering.
Fixed a bug that would cause Alpha Perforo’s to break out of CC (such as the Frozen or Ash status effects) if they were staggered.
Fixed a bug that prevented the “Heart of the Wild” Expedition from progressing if a Venomous Perforo was the last enemy to die during one of the battles.
Fixed a bug in the “Chem Plant” Expedition that could cause the the player’s primary weapon to use the mods of their secondary weapon if they changed weapons while activating the lever.
Fixed a bug that caused the end of Expeditions summary screen to not display true values for the “Damage Blocked” stat.
Fixed a bug that could cause the FOV to reset itself under certain conditions on PC.
Resolved issues related to ingame invites not being received under certain conditions.
Various other bug and crash fixes.
Bug Fixes to Mods:
Fixed a bug that caused the “Moaning Winds” mod to deal different damage between Host and Client. It was previously triggering twice for Client players. The damage on Client will now match the damage on Host.
Fixed a bug that would prevent mods inserted in armor from properly scaling with the armors level if the armor was upgraded through Zahedi. This bug would previously fix itself after an area transition.
Fixed a bug that caused the “Even Odds” mod to stack 5 times, instead of the stated 3 times.
Changed the “Armor Boost” mod so that it now scales to the armor item it is inserted into, rather than scaling with the player level and stopping at level 30.
Fixed a bug that caused the “Emergency Stance” mod to not trigger if the damage instance that proc’d the mod also inflicted “Knockback” on the player.
Fixed a bug that caused the “Anomaly Mutation” mod to not inflict the Burn or Slow status as intended.
Fixed a bug that caused the “Bullet Absorption” mod to replenish 80% instead of it’s intended 40% of ammo.
Fixed an issue that could cause frame (FPS) drops if the “Damage Link” mod was using in combination with the “Pain Transfer” mod.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Pyromancer’s armor mod “Phoenix Force” to not increase Anomaly Power after consuming a status condition.
Fixed a bug that allowed Borrowed Time to stack it’s bonus infinitely if the “Armor of Eons” and “Short Term Loan” mods were combined and spammed.
Bug Fixes to Skills:
Fixed a bug that could cause the Tricksters “Hunt the Prey” ability to lock up under certain circumstances.
The Devastator’s “Impale” skill now no longer blocks Obelisks from continuing to charge while an impaled enemy is present.
The description for “Endless Mass” now also mentions the Slow status effect that it inflicts.
Fixed a bug that would prevent the Technomancer “Cold Snap” skill from freezing enemies if it was triggered while the player rolled off an edge.
Fixed a bug that could cause Technomancer Turrets to fall through the ground if they were thrown too low or too high.
Added the icon for the “Cryo Turret” skill to the Technomancer’s “Engineer” and “Senior Engineer” class nodes. These nodes were already affecting the “Cryo Turret” skill anyway.
Bug Fixes to Class Nodes:
Fixed a bug that resulted in the Pyromancer “Gifted” class node not granting it’s bonuses properly.
Outriders Update 1.15 Patch Notes Is Now Available for Stadia Players
- Adds support for crossplay with the Windows Store version.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Scrap Grenade and Grand Opening Mods to trigger on every shot.
- We are hoping to also update Stadia in the very near future. This update would bring Stadia in line with all other platforms. We are still improving the Stadia crossplay experience so crossplay between Stadia and other platforms will only go live with our November update.
Outriders Update 1.15 Patch Notes (October 20, 2021)
- Adds support for crossplay with the Windows Store version.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Scrap Grenade and Grand Opening Mods to trigger on every shot.
- We are hoping to also update Stadia in the very near future. This update would bring Stadia in line with all other platforms. We are still improving the Stadia crossplay experience so crossplay between Stadia and other platforms will only go live with our November update.
Important Notes
Please note that, as part of this patch release, we are updating some backend multiplayer infrastructure.
This change may cause some Xbox players to not be able to engage in a multiplayer session for a period of 24 hours as of the patch release. This issue will not affect all Xbox players and may well be resolved sooner depending on your local console conditions. Note that a similar issue may affect VOIP on Xbox from functioning properly at this moment in time.
Please note that the patch is slightly delayed on the Epic store. We are working with Epic to push it live asap.
Outriders Patch Notes – September 28, 2021
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to stutter when entering the drained lake during the third enemy encounter in the Scorched Lands expedition
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to stutter when engaging Crawlers in battle during Expeditions
- Fixed an issue that would force matchmaking privacy setting to default to “Open”. The privacy setting should now remain “Closed” when set. This should help further reduce AFK matchmaking
- Added an AFK status for players on friends lists
- Fixed a bug that could cause client shots to sometimes deal no actual damage to enemies.
- Further improved the visibility of the Brood Mothers Surge AOE skill limits.
- Changed the behaviour of the Devastator’s Impale, so that the game will detect impaled enemies as dead even before they disappear.
- The Devastator’s “Reflect Bullets” skill will now protect from Sciathan projectile attacks.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Pyromancer’s Phoenix Nesling passive to restore 100% rather than 50% of Health while in Multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug that could cause players to be teleported back into cover if they used Thermal Bomb shortly before exiting cover.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing players from reviving themselves and other players after using the Trickster’s Borrowed Time skill.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent Devastators from being able to consistently dodge if they had the Auto Reflect mod active.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Plague Sower and the Cannonball Legendary Sets to not retain their set bonus after a transition.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Technomancer’s Plague Sower set bonus to not proc consistently.
- Fixed a bug that could cause certain mods like “Grand Opening” to not proc if the player was on their last magazine.
- Fixed a bug that could cause certain ammo related mods to retain their effects, even after having been replaced, thereby leading to inconsistent gameplay. This issue would previously resolve itself when returning to the lobby. Affected mods included Brain Eater, Clip of Amalthea, Perpetuum Mobile, Vampiric Mag, Toxic Lead, Reforging Bullets.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the mod “Unstoppable Force” to be stacked with itself.
- Fixed a bug that could cause shards invested in sidearms/second primary weapons to cause inconsistent behaviour on the primary weapon.
- Resolved an issue that prevented secondary characters from picking up Journal Entries if they had already been collected on a different character.
- Crash fixes
- Other minor bug Fixes
Outriders Patch Notes – August 31, 2021
- Further improved the visibility of the Brood Mothers Surge AOE skill limits.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing players from reviving themselves and other players after using the Trickster’s Borrowed Time skill.
- Resolved an issue that could cause the game to stutter when engaging Crawlers in battle during Expeditions.
- Resolved an issue that could cause players to stutter when entering the drained lake during the third enemy encounter in the Scorched Lands expedition.
- Resolved an issue that prevented secondary characters from picking up Journal Entries if they had already been collected on a different character.
- Resolved an issue that would force matchmaking privacy setting to default to “Open”. The privacy setting should now remain “Closed” when set. This should help further reduce AFK matchmaking.
- Added an AFK status for players on friends lists.
- Changed the behaviour of the Devastator’s Impale, so that the game will detect impaled enemies as dead even before they disappear.
- The Devastator’s “Reflect Bullets” skill will now protect from Sciathan projectile attacks.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent Devastators from being able to consistently dodge if they had the Auto Reflect mod active.
- Fixed a bug that could cause client shots to sometimes deal no actual damage to enemies.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Technomancer’s Plague Sower set bonus to not proc consistently.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Plague Sower and the Cannonball Legendary Sets to not retain their set bonus after a transition.
- Fixed a bug that could cause certain mods like “Grand Opening” to not proc if the player was on their last magazine.
- Crash Fixes
- Other minor bug Fixes
Outriders Patch Notes – August 12, 2021
- Crash Fixes
- Improved multiplayer so that rubberbanding & packet loss should now be reduced for players under 350ms
- The Anti-duplication system will no longer take your equipped items into account when checking whether to re-roll a dropped duplicate.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Pyromancer’s Thermal Bomb to lose all charges and enter full cooldown if a player was interruped while casing the skill
- Improved the targeting of the Trickster’s Venator’s Knife so that it should now more consistently target a player’s intended enemy.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Trickster’s Hunt the Prey to not turn the player towards an enemy’s back if aiming down sights immediately after activation
Fixed the Technomancer’s Borealis Monarch Set so that it will now correctly grant the 90% damage increase to any frozen targets
Note: The set bonus should apply to all frozen targets, no matter how they’ve been frozen.
- Resolved an issue with the Devastator’s Statue Set and changed its description to match its behaviour
The New Description is:
While either Tremor or Golem is active, increase Firepower by 100% and Weapon Life Leech by 100% for you and your teammates
The Old Description was:
Using either Tremor or Golem increases Firepower by 100% and Weapon Life Leech by 100% for you and your teammates
The old functionality meant that the Statue set bonus could end after 8 seconds. Reworking this set means that the bonus can now be maintained for longer.
Fixed an issue that could cause low damage threshold mods to trigger immediately after death or after respawning.
Fixed an issue whereby players who are level 50 could appear as level 1 while in a party. Note that this issue may still be visible when in lobby.
Fixed some out of sync subtitles
Feed the Flames
The Ammo replenished by the Bullet Absorption mod has been increased to 40% (Previously: 33%)
Volcanic Rounds
The Resistance debuff provided by the Susceptibility mod has been increased to 50% (Previously: 34%)
The “Reload Boost” and “Lava Shots” Mods have had their perks swapped.
Reload Boost will now increase Anomaly Power (Previously: Firepower)
Lava Shots will now increase Firepower (Previously: Anomaly Power)
Ash Blast
Ash blast has had it’s base skill cooldown reduced by 4 seconds, from 27.5 to 23.5 seconds
The buff duration of the Death Sentence mod has been increased by 3 seconds, from 5 to 8 seconds
Borrowed Time
Reduced the cooldown of Borrowed Time by 5.5 seconds, from 13.5 seconds to 8 seconds
Slow Trap
The cooldown of Slow Trap has been reduced by 9.7 seconds, from 30.7 seconds to 21 seconds
Time Rift
The cooldown of Time Rift has been reduced by 3.4 seconds, from 15.4 seconds to 12 seconds
Increased the DOT damage of the “A Little Bit of Pain” mod by 71% (from base 0.35 AP to 0.6 AP)
Condensed the DOT duration of the “A Little Bit Of Pain” mod to 6 seconds (Previously: 10)
Increased the Armour and Resistance debuff provided by the “Time Crack” mod to 35% (Previously: 25%)
Increased the Weapon Cleave damage provided by the “Pain Transfer” mod to 20% Weapon Damage (Previously: 10% Weapon Damage)
Pain Launcher
Reduced the base cooldown of Pain Launcher by 10 seconds, from 40 seconds to 30 seconds
Reduced the base cooldown of Scrapnel by 5 seconds, from 22 seconds to 17 seconds
Increased the base damage of Scrapnel by 19% (from base 0.756 AP to 0.9AP)
Cryo Turret
The Hail Shot mod has had its SPF set to 1.5 (Previously: 1)
SPF controls how much this mod benefits from the Status Power attribute. This change effectively means that the damage increase provided by Hail Shot will increase by 50%, though the effectiveness of this improvement still depends on the character’s Status Power attribute.
Using the Skill will now provide significant (65%) damage reduction during it’s animation
Players can now press trigger again to use an AOE attack during the run animation
Endless Mass
Enemies affected by Endless Mass can now be damaged and killed during the animation
Changed the “Wide Horizons” mod so that, on top of the range increase, the mod will allow Endless Mass to ignore the enemy skill “Absorbing Skin” used by Alpha Perforos and Brood Mothers
Reflect Bullets
Ending the Skill early will now refund a part of the cooldown (up to 90%)
Universal Buffs
Personal Space will have its damage bonus increased from 15% to 25%
Critstack will have it’s Anomaly Power boost increased by 21% (from base 5.79 to 7)
Stand Tall will have its base Firepower bonus increased by 20% and its base Anomaly Power by 16%. (From base level 10 Firepower and 15 Anomaly Power to 12 Firepower and 17.5 Anomaly Power)
Perseverance Shield will have it’s base shield value increased by 40% (From base 25 to 35)
Note: This patch will also fix a bug whereby Perseverance Shield could trigger and grant shield after death
Blazing Aegis will have the armor increase it grants increased by 21% (from base 46.35 to 56)
Plate Dodger will have its armor value grant increased by 12% (from base 58 to 65) and its duration increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.
Anomaly Enhancement will have its co-efficiency increased from 30% Anomaly Power to 40%.
Bone Shrapnel will have its damage increased by 5% (from base 56.7 to 59.85)
Outriders Patch Notes (July 15, 2021)
- Improved and faster Xbox Sign-in Process
- Improved Matchmaking to reduce the chance of matching with an AFK player
Players that are AFK (not interacting with the game) for more than 2 minutes will be automatically removed from the matchmaking queue.
Interacting with NPCs or configuring skills, mods or builds is not considered AFK behaviour (though being inactive for 2 minutes+ while being in menus or dialogue options is).
- Improved the visibility of Brood Mothers’ “Surge” AOE Attack (Blue flames)
- Fixed a bug whereby Scrap Grenade would stop working after a cinematic or when re-joining a session
- Resolved an issue with the Technomancers Borealis Set and changed its description to match its new behaviour
The New Description is:
Increase damage on Frozen enemies by X. Also, Critical Hit Damage is increased by Y for all party members for Z seconds after Cold Snap usage.
The Old Description was:
Increase Weapon Damage on Frozen enemies by X. Also, Critical Hit Damage is increased by Y for all party members for Z seconds after Cold Snap usage.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Tricksters Hunt The Prey to get stuck on activating
- Fixed a bug whereby Bleed status from the armor mod ‘Bloody Crush’ would not be inflicted on enemies hit with the ‘Gravity Leap’ skill
- Fixed a bug whereby the Devastator’s “Blood Donation” class node wouldn’t work if the player didn’t have other active “skill life leech” nodes or mods.
- Clarified the description for the Ravenous Locust Mod
- Fixed a bug whereby dismantling an item might not have displayed the mod preview
- Fixed an issue that would cause the “In Sync” accolade to not properly unlock for Client players
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to not get the proper reward if they completed an Expedition during the final second of the reward tier.
- Other bug and crash Fixes
- [REBALANCE] Changed the Pyromancers Healthy Lifesyle Mod and changed it’s description to match it’s new behaviour.
This change should improve survivabilty while channeling this skill
The New Description is:
F.A.S.E.R Beam: Boosts your Health Regeneration X for the skill duration.
The Old Description was
F.A.S.E.R Beam: Boosts your Health Regeneration by X for Y seconds after the skill ends.
- The Outriders Demo has been updated so that its fix list and improvements are now in line with our 22nd of June patch.
- Important: The Demo no longer requires Square Enix Membership registration in order to play, so if you know anyone who was holding off the demo due to this reason, please do let them know.
Note 1: This is not an exhaustive list of things being worked upon. This is also not a list of patch notes for the next patch. Upcoming patches will address issues that may not be listed here.
Note 2: “Investigated” means that we have been able to successfully reproduce an issue on our dev environment and are currently looking at the root causes of said issue. If we have not yet been able to reproduce a specific issue, it may not be listed here, but that doesn’t mean we’re unaware of it.
- State of Stadia
- Stadia still needs to be brought in line with other platforms with regards to fixes, bug resolutions and crossplay support.
- We are continuing to do this work on aligning all platforms, but do not yet have a definite date for when this will be possible.
- We appreciate that this work is taking longer than expected and do apologize for this.
- Stuck at 99% Accolade Progress
- Issue being investigated
- UPDATE: While our investigation is ongoing, we will attempt to manually trigger the missing accolades for all users who previously helped us investigate this matter.
- Issue being investigated
- Technomancers Borealis Set 90% bonus can stop working in combat
As mentioned in the patch notes, there is an additional underlying issue with this set that was only recently discovered. We are already re-investigating this matter in order to ensure that the set will be made fully operational again asap.
- Matchmaking privacy settings may set themselves to Open without input from the player
- Issue being investigated
- Xbox problems related to signing in
- This is one of our top priorities and something we are continuing to investigate. This patch may well help with the issue, but we are continuing to monitor it.
- Certain enemies, especially Alphas, may break out of Frozen CC as soon as they are damaged
- Issue being investigated
- Game stutters when multiple Crawlers are on screen, in particular during certain Expeditions
- Issue currently being investigated and will be resolved in a future patch
- Certain Mods not working, in particular when you’re the client during multiplayer sessions
- Issue under review following multiplayer improvements
- Players dying while a shield is active
Issue currently being investigated. Rather than shields not properly mitigating damage, this issue may be caused by (either) the UI not catching up properly or it may be a case of certain shield mods continuing to proc their shield after death has occurred under certain edge cases.
Example: A player continually generates shields and their death prevention mechanics are already on cooldown. They are then hit by enemy damage waves that deplete both shields and health at a greater/faster rate than the shield can regenerate in that window, leading to cases of player HP reaching 0 for a split-second before another chunk of shield is added.
- Trickster’s Hunt the Prey does not turn player towards an enemy’s back if aiming down sights immediately after activation
- Issue currently being investigated and will be resolved in a future patch
- Trickster’s Venathors Knife may target a wrong enemy
- Issue currently being investigated. This appears to be due to a delay when the skill changes targets.
- Devastator skills may have inconsistent damage output, particularly when using Bleed & Moaning Winds combo.
- Issue currently being investigated and may be resolved with the next patch.
- Devastator Armour mod “Despair” doesn’t increase Anomaly Damage consistenyl.
- Issue currently being investigated and may be resolved with the next patch.
- Devastators Statue Set bonus ends after 8 seconds (which is not stated in the description)
- Issue currently being investigated and will be resolved in a future patch
- Journal entries/pick ups not appearing on secondary characters
- Issue being reinvestigated
- “Damage Blocked” Stat on Expeditions results screen occasionally appears inconsistently or abnormally low
- Issue currently being investigated
- A cutscene during the “The Mentor” Questline may not trigger, meaning players cannot progress past this point
- Issue currently being investigated
- Temporary Workaround: In your lobby, change your story checkpoint to an earlier one, then re-attempt this quest.
Outriders Patch Notes (June 22, 2021)
- [CONSOLES] Added extra options and settings for controller customization including Deadzones, Look Sensitivity, Acceleration and Legacy layouts
- [XBOX] Improved Sign-in Times
- [EPIC STORE VERSION] Fixed an issue that was preventing the pre-order Hell’s Ranger gear from unlocking as intended
- Made improvements to multiplayer connectivity
- Fixed an issue that was causing old inventory items to be marked as new.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from running if they were stunned while using the Trickster’s Cyclone skill.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Alpha Lurker enemies to be able to one-hit kill players under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Scrap Grenade projectile to be blocked by dead enemies.
- Fixed a bug that caused Feed the Flames’ Ash effect to not trigger properly in multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug that caused Weapon mod ‘Ravenous Locust’ to not deal damage if used together with the ‘Weightlessness’ mod.
- Mitigated an issue whereby players could get stuck in an animation after using Gravity Jump in multiplayer.
- Crash Fixes.
Keep checking this page for all the latest and updated Outriders patch notes.