What is Elden Ring Speedrunning Zipping Trick


You may have heard of Elden Ring speedrunning, but what is Zipping? and how does this trick work? This article will answer your questions! The speedrunning community is polarized, with some players demanding the most current version of the game, and others insisting on the exploitable version.

While both methods are valid, the Elden Ring speedrunning community is likely to continue to be divided. You can imagine that Elden Ring will eventually have 20 categories of speedruns built around different versions.

A video published recently by speedrunner MitChriz shows a run that takes just 12 minutes and 32 seconds to finish the Elden Ring game. This is a new world record for any percent speedrun, and MitChriz is credited for using this trick.

What is Zipping in Elden Ring?

Zipping is a new glitch in the game that allows you to teleport to any point on the map and save a significant amount of time compared to running around or double-jumping your horse.

Speedrunners are actively searching for ways to beat Elden Ring. Some of these techniques have already been used in games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls. One of these tricks is the “death chamber,” which allows a character to skip an obstacle by jumping from a location where a player almost dies.

The game then will not load the obstacles that would normally block the player. This glitch is useful when navigating a large open world, so it can be used for speedrunning.

For more Elden Ring related news and guides check out here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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