Valorant Patch 4.08 Nerfs for Jett Tailwind

Jett Tailwind

The upcoming Valorant Patch 4.08 will include some nerfs for the Jett. This hero has long dominated the Valorant meta and is a staple of competitive Valorant play. However, Riot has recently acknowledged that the Jett is overpowered and has announced a nerf to address this issue. These nerfs will make Jett more vulnerable to peeking angles and force Jett mains to use their Tailwind ability more often.

The changes to the Jett character will be quite significant. Riot Games wants to retain Jett’s big play ability while also improving the dash. The dash is a crucial skill that allows players to compensate for bad strategic decisions or mistakes.

Riot is also looking into rebalancing the Jett’s abilities. The changes to the Jett character are expected to go live on Tuesday, April 26. To find out if this patch is a good fit for your character, read the blog post.

Valorant is a first-person shooter that is available for Microsoft Windows. Players are assigned to play as one of several agents from all over the world, and each agent is assigned to a side.

They can purchase items and skins to increase their character’s appeal. If they don’t like what they’ve purchased, they can get refunds for them in the game’s store. It’s important to note that you’ll still need to download Valorant Patch 4.08 to play it.


Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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