Dying Light 2 Update 1.3.0 Released With New Game+ Bug Fixes, Co-op Updates and More

Dying Light 2

The Dying Light 2 update 1.3.0 is now available for all platforms, and you’ll be pleased to hear that this game has received a new game plus mode. As a quick recap, this game has had a lot of changes, and it’s definitely worth checking out. There are also several new items, including New Game+, Bug Fixes, Mutated Infected, and new Co-op content updates.

New Game Plus mode will be included in the Stay Human update, and you’ll be able to play co-op with friends. In addition, the update will fix several bugs in the game’s co-op mode and bring new endgame content.

The new Game+ mode will also add the New Game+ mode to the game, which will allow players to revisit the city and make different choices. This new mode will also feature a new scaling system, as well as new enemies.

New features in the game include new challenges, encounters, and a parkour medal. The new update also adds an FOV slider for PlayStation 5 and PS4. It also fixes some outstanding bugs.

Dying Light 2 has sold five million copies in the first month, and the developer says the game has surpassed 20 million sales in the past year. The latest update will allow gamers to play more than once, and will also include a much-requested feature.

New Game Plus mode will also be available for all players who have completed the main game. This mode is an optional way to replay the game, and includes a higher difficulty level and additional bonuses.

It will also let you keep your progress from the previous adventure, and will adapt the difficulty level to your Aiden’s level. There will also be 30 new inhibitors in the game. The game will also include the ability to unlock legendary weapons.

Dying Light 2 Update 1.3.0 Patch Notes – April 27, 2022

New Game+

  • After finishing it once, the game can be replayed again, only this time with modified game parameters in place to encourage a second playthrough by the implementation of a unique system and experience. The player can now go through the story with revitalized mechanisms. These include new enemy behaviors, more difficult encounters, new objects within the world, namely the newly added inhibitors, and many more changes that will significantly alter the gameplay style and allow the player to develop their character further. All of this is only available in New Game+!
    • 30 new inhibitors
    • New platinum objectives for parkour challenges
    • Updated distribution of the enemies (f.e. Volatiles and Banshee spawn during the night, a wider variety of enemy pools in encounters)
    • A new legendary weapon tier added
    • Gold encounters added
    • Enemy difficulty scales with the player level

Co-op Updates

  • Fixed connection and stability issues in co-op
    • Fixed connection issues with the players who are further advanced inthe story
    • Improved game performance in co-op
  • Co-op story blocks
    • Fixed an issue that caused blocked progression in a single player game mode after a co-op session
    • Fixed few remaining death loops in co-op
    • Fixed an issue with a missing NPC during the Missing People quest in a co-op session
  • Co-op quality
    • Improved weapon visualization in online menu and inventory
    • Improved handling of challenges requirements in co-op
    • Fixed random bandit respawns while players are still in the bandit camp
    • Fixed issues with the player being unable to access inventory or map after dying several times in co-op
    • Fixed blocked story progression with „enemies nearby” notification
    • Fixed rare issue when a player can’t move after a revive
    • Fixes for far away peer respawn from the host and respawning in geometry
    • Fixed AI jitter in random cases
    • Improved various animations in co-op – f.e. crouching, throwing, using the bow, and more
    • Fixed sound duplication in co-op
    • Fixed rare cases of unresponsive quest radio dialog in co-op, causing story blocks
    • Fixed the display of incorrect icons on the map after a co-op party
    • Fixed “call for help” when the player is being summoned during a gather in co-op
    • Fixed black screens in certain situations that could cause progression blockers during co-op progression
    • Fixed unnecessary “skill requirement” text-glitch in the description of a challenge in a co-op session
    • Updated the time of tutorial windows to 30 seconds during the co-op sessions
    • Fixed a bug that allows player to have multiple story quests active

Content Update

  • Mutated Infected – New quest added Something Big Has Been Here, which included special elemental Goon variants

Gameplay Updates

  • Enemies with bows are less annoying — decreased damage output
  • Completed achievements are correctly awarded upon completion. This works for the achievements that were obtained before the update as well
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Howlers and Screamers to become invulnerable to damage
  • Fixed a possibility to fast travel between map regions after completing various quests
  • Fixed a random AI bug of Human encounters
  • Fixed infected invulnerability to arrows
  • Fixed missing rewards after Bandit encounters
  • Fixed the Virals patrol movement in GRE facilities
  • Grappling Hook. Tweaked pull limitations, longer swings will reset the vertical pull values; pulls will have a bigger first value

Quest Updates

  • Fixed a bug related to wall-clipping during the Let’s Waltz quest
  • Fixed a bug of the player getting stuck after using an inhibitor, or opening inventory after obtaining inhibitor in the Markers of Plague quest
  • Fixed the map display bug in The Only Way Out quest
  • Fixed the disappearance of Hakon in the Into The Darkness quest after playing in co-op
  • Fixed Sophie’s inaccessible position in The Raid quest

UI/UX Updates

  • Added FOV slider on PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X
  • Improved UI textures optimization
  • Fixed issues related to switching between keyboard and controller
  • Fixed inhibitor pop-up message in Markers of Plague quest
  • Fixed quest display in journal
  • Fixed tutorial window display
  • Fixed weapon durability display, quest tracking, and inventory management on ASUS ROG Zephyrus Duo second display
  • Aiden should no longer T-pose in the main menu
  • Fixed crashes related to launching the game in 5760×1080 resolution
  • Fixed display of incorrect numbers on Immunity Bar
  • Minor changes to PC key bindings

Technical Updates

  • Improved game stability
  • Several crash sources fixed
  • Improved the stability of frame rate in various places on the map
  • Fixed multiple bugs that allowed players to see and fall outside map texture
  • Fixed occasional texture glitches in various places on the map
  • Fixed various audio glitches
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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